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Everything posted by wxeyeNH

  1. 1:10pm 28.3/18 Although radar doesn't show it snow has started up here.
  2. Hum.... for the first time we have wintering Bluebirds. Also Newfound Lake is ice free which has never happened this far into the season. Many in CNE and parts of NNE have not even had a 0F night. Weird stuff.....is it just the weather pattern or greatly enhanced by climate change? Anyhow that is a discussion for another time. This storm looks like it will be totally frozen here in my area of Central NH. CAD always over performs so it should stay below freezing. By the time it rises into the 30s Thursday the precipitation should be over. Then a 12 hour thaw.
  3. I "only" have around 9 1/2". Just measuring by putting a ruler down on a clean surface. I have not been doing the 6 hour snowboard clearing. Are you Mark and Brian doing that or is it I am just a bit too far NW to be in the best snow. On the other hand my ratios should be better as my temperature has been around 28F for the whole storm.
  4. 80% sun here today. Outlook looks great for snow. I have not read the threads and just quickly looked at the models First one Tomorrow night but could go south. Then another one midweek. Could mix but if coastal gets going it will cut off the warm air. Then we have a clipper possibility next weekend. Then perhaps another storm right after that.
  5. It also snowed lightly down here all evening. Got about 1/2" more. The front range of the Northern Whites are sure doing their job this morning. I will take the sunshine
  6. 30.7/26 Very light snow 1/4" Heavier batch incoming.. Interesting post from wxmanmitch about the balloons. The world is running out of helium. If balloon launches become unavailable in the future I wonder what will happen? So stupid that even now helium is wasted with party balloons etc.
  7. 31.8/25 Light to almost moderate snow. Started as snow at 32.3 but has fallen back. Everything immediately coated.
  8. 32.3/24F Light snow has started. Radar looks like crap. Hum? Our 8"ish forecast looks in jeopardy. At least I'm lucky that I'm not loosing anything to rain.
  9. 34.2/24 Thickening overcast. Sky is getting that "snow" look. Going into this storm we lost quite a bit of pack the past 2 days but still have about 75% of ground covered with a few inches of snow. Lots of deer last night getting their last grass to eat for awhile
  10. Same thing up here at NH 5th largest lake. Newfound Lake is wide open except a small area that is sheltered. I assume Lake Winni is the same. Records are not kept but I bet this is the latest date ever for such little ice.
  11. Brian, I think our luck may have run out. The system tomorrow night and 2 nor'easters to follow. If they don't cut too much we could be digging out next week
  12. Here we go! Lots of ground to make up but a system tomorrow night and a couple of nor'easters might do the trick as long as they don't cut too much. GFS 10:1 snow totals through next Thursday
  13. This systems sure looks subtropical to me. Convection wrapping around the core. Amazing it is the coldest climatological week of the year.
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