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Everything posted by PWMan

  1. Yyyep. At least with these we don't waste several days tracking like with winter storms.
  2. 20-second downpour with one crack of thunder in Boston. yawn
  3. Still lots of debris but brightening up here in Boston. Breezy with a strong ocean smell.
  4. Not just NNE. BOX referenced "washout" potential for SNE early next week. Really looking forward to being hunkered down in an Airbnb on the Cape with my whole family + in-laws and their obnoxious untrained dog. And I'm not into board games or cards. Fortunately I don't mind fishing in the rain....
  5. .40" today. Already 3.27" this month after nearly 7" in June (PWM recorded rain on 23 of 30 days last month), and continuing our streak of heavy rain without the benefit of thunderstorms. The sun actually came out at around 5:00 and it turned into a nice (though muggy) evening. Looking forward to a couple days of summer before we go back into a wet pattern. I have mushrooms growing in my south-facing front lawn, which is normally torched by now.
  6. 1.80" and still coming down. Looks like we may soon get a bit of a lull before the next round moves in overnight.
  7. This GYX tweet seems at odds with their AFD and actual forecast, which don't call for a washout on the 4th and are more optimistic about the middle of next week.. https://twitter.com/NWSGray/status/1674796714719600642?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^embeddedtimeline|twterm^screen-name%3ANWSGray|twcon^s1
  8. I've had .36", up to 6.70" for the month. And it's fallen in the most boring, depressing way possible - no storms here.
  9. Just an unmitigated disaster of a summer so far. JFC
  10. 0.40" since midnight brings MBY to 6.38" for the month. Still no real storms to speak of.
  11. 59 with fog and blowing mist. Endless summer continues.
  12. We've obviously had sketchy Junes before, but this is over the top. It's like the inverse of wasting the short days of early winter. These are the days when we should be out there letting the juices run down our chins in the lingering twilight until 9:30 or 10:00. This is going to start having a real impact on summer businesses too. Places like water parks and beach spots are going to take a beating. All of that said, gorgeous day out there today...
  13. And would a crappy back-door April/May be the the game 7 loss that everyone agrees to never mention?
  14. Especially when you have marginal surface temps and anything less than SN+ falling during daylight with a late March sun angle. During the last storm we had light/moderate snow for nearly 12 hours and barely accumulated 3" - and that was gone by the next afternoon.
  15. Ha - was thinking the same thing. I have a south-facing property and may not even bother snowblowing my driveway since the March sun is doing its thing. I did shovel the plow piles. I appreciated your post-mortem comments last night. Seems like immediate coastal areas have been especially tricky lately.
  16. Snow has completely stopped here. Still sitting on a very sloppy couple inches, and well on our way to yet another low bust from a warned storm unless things change dramatically overnight. I knew we weren’t going to jack, but hoped to at least approach double digits.
  17. Flurry-fest here all afternoon. Just haven’t been able to stay in good banding.
  18. Very light snow now. Maybe a tad over an inch.
  19. Getting updates from my wife's sister and family in Lunenburg - 16" and dumping, no power. My brother-in-law's John Deere can't handle the heavy wet snow on their sloped driveway. Roads are literally impassable so they're stuck anyway. Fortunately they have a wood-burning fireplace and relatively low-maintenance young kids. And at least it's not bitter cold.
  20. Been snowing for a couple hours and nearing an inch of accumulation.
  21. Moderate snow now. Everything whitened.
  22. Officially snowing. Will see how long before there's accumulation.
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