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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. All that rain and we’re still bathing in pollen. .
  2. Mass pike yellow-out conditions . As you go further west out of the pines it clears up. .
  3. This all this. I'm a Massachusetts gun owner. I had to give my left nut with training and background checks to have what I have. My guns are locked up 25 ways to sunday with separate biometric ammo safes so it's a 2 step process to put all the pieces together. I have zero problem with every gun owner having to go through the same process. I will go to the grave saying that the 5k lb large black SUVs with Zanac'ed up soccer moms or dad in my kids school pick up line are just as/if not more dangerous than my large capacity inanimate objects I have in my possession. Uvalde is one giant political football with the media ignoring a whole lot of factors that goes into this. Stop giving these people 3 weeks of fame. I refuse to watch the news to perpetuate this endless cycle. This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem - Rogan
  4. Did anyone check out the meteor shower last night? Hype? .
  5. Lacrosse tournament mom uniform: $100k SUV and lululemon . Some times the games are hard to watch because gaze is diverted elsewhere.
  6. Ugh Saturday we have a boy scout hike of Mt Monadnock in the morning followed by lacrosse tournament in Fitchburg on turf. Furnace.
  7. Day 46873 . After incessant east winds and fog the sun has come out and it’s too hot. Go time… nudity will commence .
  8. Morning commute duxbury to Cape Cod . 1/4 mile vis. Hoping to see 65 degrees today and maybe the sun for 10 minutes.
  9. Just came from the marina. 1/4 mile visibility . 54. Haves and have nots. Day 238465464
  10. The haves and the have nots. Heavy drizzle. Miserable .
  11. There are 2.5 months where it absolutely sucks living on the coast. March - May 15th. 57 yesterday with a ripping wind. Played golf at pine hills in a jacket and pants.
  12. After 10 years sold my boat. Downsized to a 22 Scout. Getting it rigged for tuna now
  13. Dealing with flash flooding in Destructionbury. Garage is full of water. 1.74" in about 1 hr. Leaves blocking all of the storm drains. I .
  14. Summer shoes on. Incoming snow squalls .
  15. It looks like a freight train ran through route 3A.
  16. lowest ratings ever . Who cares? I think the slap was staged. Hollywood tries to remain relevant. Hardly anyone goes to the movies.
  17. Love the entire mountain yesterday took off their helmets. Felt completely overdressed .
  18. I assure you im fully nude from the waist down. What a day at Sugarbush .
  19. heading to sugarbush tomorrow . Hoping for t-shirts
  20. New England Lawn care fanatics on Facebook has a been a great read. The organicistas would not be impressed.
  21. When I was 22 years old, we'd have a blizzard, 24" of snow, the owner would be screaming for us to get into the office. Literal state of emergency, owner had me on the phone at 6am "where are you" That was a dumb labor practice. Now 2" of snow forecasted. Millenials calling out the day before. Can't make it. Cancel all production. Absolutely infuriating. They all drive beefed up subarus with snow tires. They can be damn sure they're driving in whiteout for first tracks.
  22. I hire people on Cape Cod and Seacoast Maine. What a tremendous difference in workers. Cape Cod is gritty, work 10 hrs a day in all conditions. Very blue collar background. Maine is millenials on millenials. Need to talk about feelings and celebrate everything. Its agonizing. We burn through employees in Maine. Wanted to find themselves in a tremendously difficult job and said nah I'll go back to mom and dads trust fund.
  23. Ha I was arguing with my watch . No way that was only 48 mph. Had to be 50 plus.
  24. The loaf saturday was fantastic. Conditions got variable in the afternoon but the morning was spectacular. Laps of Gondi line. (My favorite trail in New England)
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