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Everything posted by MaineJayhawk

  1. Looks like Dr Dews touched Dendy inappropriately
  2. As long as I get some sea smoke out of it I'm fine with that
  3. Probably, but it's fun watching the south coasties squirm
  4. I swung by Nubble Light around daybreak today, seemed like something between one and two inches on the rocks. Still snowing in this image but the flakes were too small and my exposure too slow to capture them
  5. A period of legit weenie conditions in Harwich
  6. Pretty cool light show this morning on Moose Pond in Bridgton
  7. It isn't photoshopped. Karl has posted a few videos taken from his drone of his buddies skating on it. I can't imagine what caused it, but nature is cool
  8. The wind chill calculator on the NWS site will not allow -60 air temp ... haha!
  9. Converted to Fahrenheit, -51.6C is -61F
  10. And for all the other hours too
  11. Ray has never been one given to hyperbolic ennui
  12. I bought my first snowblower this year - a Toro PowerMax 824. I always shoveled my driveways, but I'm turning 53 in a few weeks and that snow just keeps getting heavier and heavier. The 20" storm in December was a worthy first test.
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