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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. Call it DeepSnow. Perhaps we'll have better snow forecasts.
  2. Compared to day-trading, this is nothing. Not only do you get emotional when the market swings, you also lose or gain money. lol At least this hobby has o financial impact. :-)
  3. I say let's live a little. Throw caution to the wind. YOLO!
  4. And with remote learning a thing post-covid, my house will be full of........joy.
  5. I guess winds at my house never really mixed down far enough. The winds in my backyard only got as high as 15mph.
  6. Hmmmm. My wind sensor is still reading only a 10mph top wind in the last hour. Wonder if it is my geography. It has a clear line to the south. I guess I need a 100ft pole to get good wind readings?
  7. I was told when I dropped my son off this morning that schools would be closing early. Being a Gex Xer I was like for some rain and wind? lol
  8. yeah. I was going to say, this is definitely the drought-buster we needed. Just now in snow form.
  9. Just put up my wind sensor this weekend. Should be fun watch the wind speeds on it! Getting high wind watches on my weather radio right now.
  10. If by lock-in you mean locking you in a psychological torture chamber, then yes. Let's get locked in. But seriously, I do hope that whatever is sniffed out this far does actually happen. We need a win.
  11. Don't go chasin' blizzards stick to the cold rain and sleet you're used to.
  12. Love driving through Cumberland. I love Maryland's geographical diversity.
  13. 36.3 here. Temp droped for 40 pretty fast. BTW, I heard one of the aliens from the Miami Mall say that they are going to aim their weather ray at the Mid-Atlantic so we can cash in. I got excited, but the video was shot with a 1982 VHS shoulder cam. So the video was grainy, and the sound was not so great. Here's to some white stuff for everyone tomorrow!
  14. Don't the best snow storms usually start in southern Texas and travel over or just north of the Gulf of Mexico then curve through Georgia and up the coast? I figure this storm started out a bit too north.
  15. I agree that it might as well be warm. Gives us a chance to do more outdoor activities and get some sun. I'd rather be on the tennis courts with my son in 55 degree weather than stuck inside on a sunny day with temps in the 20s.
  16. I'm right at the base of the fall line in Adelphi. It could go either way for me. lol Thanks for sharing this tool.
  17. I must say College Park has ended up on the winning side as far as I can remember. We've done pretty good with these setups.
  18. Am I hearing MAY be an opportunity to unbox my new wireless electric snowblower that has been sitting unused for two winters? The warranty is expired. Hope she works. I have no garage, so, under the deck against the house is my best option. I think I need to break down and get a storage unit until I can afford a shed.
  19. Saw a dusting here in Adelphi. half inch on cars before the sun came up. Hearing my 9 year old gasp at the snow that he has not seen in quite a while was priceless.
  20. Son and I saw a few flakes fall this morning on our way to school from Tennis practice at JTCC in College Park.
  21. Reminds me of Christmas 2020. We spent it in a mountain cabin in VT. I just knew we were gonna see some snow. When we got there, 60s and rain. lol However, I was redeemed when my son and I snowchased the Ocean City, MD blizzard. That was fun!
  22. ANyone know when the Washington, DC weather radio station will be back online? Kinda miss the weather alerts I used to get on the radio. https://www.weather.gov/nwr/sites?site=WNG736
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