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Posts posted by tavwtby

  1. closing in on an inch...of rain... still at 34/32, winss now ENEat5 gusting to 12...i can see the hill in the distance that's probably about 1200', and it appears to be glazed at the top half of the hill, can't be positive of that but it would make sense. reports from Norfolk are some accretion.

  2. 28 minutes ago, kdxken said:

    We don't have to shovel this mess do we? Don't feel like another two week ice rink on the driveway.

    i hear you man... that was one of the worst I've seen, I still have some patches in the driveway where sun didn't hit that are an inch of ice

  3. 22 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Getting sleet and snow mixed in Holliston...but seems to be trying to transition over to snow as the steadier echoes move in. Looks about right based on dualpol....hopefully we can get a couple hours of steady snow.

    and I was supposed to go to NTS in Boxborough this morning, would have taken me forever to get there..

  4. 2 minutes ago, Connecticut Appleman said:

    Temp here down to 34.  Given the rate of drop, it is still and hour or two away from hitting 32.

    yeah, I just checked the actuals from my station and not the WU app, and I'm at 35/31...so there's some discrepancy there, but you can definitely feel it and the returns look pretty good SW, just hope they stay together and we drop quicker... maybe a couple inches tonight, don't expect more than that here. be nice if there was tho, replace what I lost...

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