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Posts posted by tavwtby

  1. 23/0 at the home in Winsted...23/1 here in Boxborough, staying in Marlboro for this one, wish I could head home because I thinks my house is in a sweet spot for some good banding...Good luck all, enjoy, we needed this after the last two years, well some of us anyway...

  2. 1 hour ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

    Stamford to philly is a 2hr ride but then again we consider Stamford pretty much NYC anyway. 

    yeah, it takes me an hour to get to bport from my house, 2 hr philly drive my ass...and I kinda consider all of fairfield county a part of nyc, maybe not north fairfield county but definitely south, and sw.

  3. 1 hour ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

    I'm doing 6 hour sweep bc that is what makes sense to me. If enlightening someone with my settled depth arouses them, I'll be more than happy to make their day by adding that, though.

    I do both usually, just to compare, but what is the official measurement requirements now, spotter training was 6hr clearing last I knew

  4. Just now, powderfreak said:

    This is absolutely obscene.

    WOW.  Might be 1/8sm?  This band just rolled in like a wall of white.  I'm just north of the I-89 marker that's Waterbury.



    man, I was supposed to be up there this week too but, ya know... corona and all...

  5. I'm shocked we only have a wwa here, been snowing varying intensity since mid morning and closing in on 5" here and I'm around 1000'...had some serious catpaws for a couple hours, very wet dense stuff too... pleasant overachiever here, may get me over 30" on the season!

  6. I'm up in Burlington for a couple days and my dad said there was 2.5" in Winsted, anyone close to confirm? I hate when I'm not there to measure, and don't yet have a cam to record. thanks in advance...btw, nice dumpage up here on Friday, looks like about two feet otg in Burlington maybe a bit less depending on where you go.

  7. it seems like forever when we had a winter where we were comparing pack depth, regionwide, i know some have had a couple of good recent winters with lasting pack, but it seems imby, as soon as the snow melts we get another and it melts and ao on... last winter I remember with a lasting sizable pack was I believe 13-14, the first year we moved to Winsted, and 10-11 was great in Waterbury with that January to remember, who knows, I've seen stranger things happen in meh winters, we could go on a run from mid January to March and be running naked, or we can be tanning napes...

  8. Just now, Sugarloaf1989 said:

    Just rediculous amounts of sleet falling here, everything is covered.


    yeah too bad the inch of precip was wasted on 33 rain here for the most part, or we'd be crushing right now, congrats on the accumulation out east and north

  9. still hearing rumbling and seeing flashes, missed the quarter hail by about 5 miles... buddy my kid plays ball with in hartland got it good, some damage too, sucks, all IP/-SN here now, plows out in full... crazy dynamics

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