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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. I thought it was a bit lower, my sister in law at 800 feet in Charlton got iced bad, most of Charlton north of 20 was iced and a few spots at 800 south. I sat at 33.
  2. Will remembers stuff that happened before he was born, amazing really.
  3. Keep her joints loose, my two labs both had hip issues when the reached ten, one lived to 12, the other 14.
  4. Going to Killington on two weeks, hoping wintry weather returns when I'm up there.
  5. Same here, I'm on top of a hill so no radiational cooling, fake cold.
  6. You valley guys have been radiating the last two nights. I've been just single digits.
  7. Heading up north in two weeks. Happy too see a good pack, maybe I can time it right for a good storm. Last time I went up it it minus 30. Great times.
  8. With a huge payoff at the end with everyone high fiving,
  9. I would trade a few more ratters for more 2015s
  10. Another squall coming through, not as intense as the other one but still pretty good.
  11. It was a two parter here with part 2 being fantastic, could barely see the lights on the car in front of me, almost two inches.
  12. Are you guys getting over an inch?
  13. Used to bowl on the candelpin tour til my back said no more, miss it. Looks like the rain/snow line just got to my town before retreating cutting totals in my area.
  14. I have 2 inches, changed to rain at one point then changed back to snow so its a 2inch glacier, hoping these squalls are kind to me today.
  15. I flipped to rain after 1.5 inches. At least the grounds covered.
  16. I have a good inch and coming down pretty good, if I get two inches tonight and an inch with the squall that will be a huge win for me, winter weather for two days, Ill take it.
  17. Light snow getting steadier, based on Kevin's observation heavier stuff should be moving in shortly. Temp at 30
  18. Central Canada is an icebox and has been for awhile.
  19. I've had about 16 inches on the year Tip. Its been frustrating but a 20+ incher would relieve my frustrations quickley.
  20. It's not over yet Ray but predicting weather is a tough business. You got the broad strokes right but we've also have had a run of bad luck.
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