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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. LOL, I hear a neighbor outside on their lawn tractor.
  2. We love Brett though. He plays a good heel.
  3. You ski trip gonna turn into a week of debauchery in the sheets instead. October baby.
  4. Might as well enjoy what nature gives us. No use fretting.
  5. Birds have been out in force here for weeks and weeks.
  6. Stay safe folks when it’s freezing no broken hips and all
  7. I think this season is rivaling my worst on the boards. 2011/12. 14.8” for season.
  8. Snow angels have turned to mud angels on blue hills but dammit, that’s all we got!
  9. On a Friday night? Fuk it. Just let it go and have fun nite with family, friends, or yourself.
  10. Glad you see the 9th sailed into the sunset.
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