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Baroclinic Zone

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Everything posted by Baroclinic Zone

  1. Attitash used to make snow well but not sure of now.
  2. This post hit me. Makes me feel good to know the smaller areas are doing it right. The future looks bright.
  3. Holy hell Don. Don't you go dyin' on me friend.
  4. I think Alta/Snowbird have has some seasons close to 700"
  5. So investigators searching trash facility in Peabody in connection to missing Cohasset women. Husband arrested yesterday in connection. Spent hundreds of dollars on cleaning supplies at local Home Depot.
  6. Brighton and Alta neck and neck at 331" and 330". That's nuts as they enter peak climo.
  7. Do what the man says. There's plenty to do. Shop, beer, edibles, sex, tubing.
  8. I laughed when I saw the retrograding low on the GFS. TC is January.
  9. Rain changing to snow is like 75% of storms here.
  10. Correlation does not imply causation. People need to burn this into their brains.
  11. AGW is real. Our climate is warming faster due to human influence.
  12. This would be a blessing for C/NNE. Much needed.
  13. Maybe we can deamplify this next signal such that this turns into more of an over-running event
  14. @butterfish55 has bulbs coming up as well.
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