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Everything posted by Jebman

  1. Well, I undertook another jebwalk, to celebrate the rain cooled air. The rain was letting up, or so I thought. Well, I ran into another brief downpour lol. 2nd night in a row lol, to get a good soaking. But, I am very happy to have rain! We got away with no severe and a good rain!
  2. Okay the worst has passed, I'm still here lol, I got a goodly amount of rain, but thankfully no tornadoes, no hail and winds only gusted to about 40-45. This was a decent thunderstorm! Lots of good rain!
  3. I love the rain, I am so well situated, that I could yawn right thru a Houston magnitude rainstorm. Creek would never reach me, lol, tho I would happily watch it rise, while playing songs that remind me of storm surge lol. But hail and high winds get me every time and I pray against those every day, lmao The best kind of weather, second only to a stalled out triple phaser in January that buries me with a snowy deform for days on end, would be a tropical depression that stalls over northeastern VA for a week dumping feet and feet of fresh rain on Dale City. I dont mind the 80 degree dewpoints IF I get to be waterboarded by a Houston-style biblical rainstorm that raises the creeks 20 feet over Minnieville Rd behind Giants at Center Plaza. I LOVE a good RAGING FLOOD!
  4. I am very very grateful that I did not get hail.
  5. Uh Oh, what we just got is not the main line, the main line is still to my west. Damn. I was really really hoping against hope that the storm we just got smashed by, was the main storm. Can I have my sunshine back please? Been nice knowin y'all..................
  6. Dale City was extremely lucky, only 40 mph gusts and no hail. No rotation that I could see. Now it is luckily just a breezy garden variety thundershower.
  7. Please NO hail in Dale City. My poor car windshield would get smashed and I'd have holes in my roof. Three inch hailstones will do a variety of horrific damage.
  8. I am LOVIN this frontal boundary, I have received nice rains with it. I wish the boundary could stay for a month. There's nothin, like a good flood. What I don't like, is high winds. I just got finished cleaning up after March 1-2. I don't need more 70 mph gusts lol
  9. That HAIL can and will do a variety of damage. I am very happy that did not happen in Dale City
  10. The 2013-2014 winter was fantastic! Just have a look at my sig, lol
  11. High was 76, dewpoint was 46. It was unbelievable. People were asking, Is this really July?
  12. You are gonna get your rain, and you are gonna get your leaf out. We are going to see plenty of severe weather this spring, and there will be more serious windstorms. When we get serious windstorms with leaves on the trees - damage will be catastrophic region-wide. I hope we never ever get a strong hurricane up the Chesapeake Bay. That would amount to long duration very damaging winds - WITH FULLY LEAVED TREES - that would make the March 1-2 windstorm look like a gentle summer breeze. There would be so damned much house damage, that entire neighborhoods would have to be written off.
  13. Its a damn SHAME that easternuswx forum is forever only a memory. A real SHAME.
  14. The Mid Atlantic subforum is going to be shellacked hard by snow sometime in the next 4 weeks. Get in shape, buy snow shovels and snow blowers. Check the snow tires and chains. You're gonna need 'em if you live in the Mid Atlantic this late winter.
  15. I am sick and tired of rain already. I would never have ever thought, in all my born days, that I would ever croak out, that am sick of rain, but there it is. I am sick and tired of rain! I wish I lived in the Sahel.
  16. I am starting to notice the drought. North Carolina is getting much needed rain, while weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system after weather system gives us only drizzle and very light rain, time after time after time after time. The rain we DO get is not measurable, unless you use a scanning electron microscope. I may have to start the dry summer complaints topic in early April lmao. This is going to be one of the hottest and one of the driest springs in the Mid Atlantic, since records began to be kept. I can't even begin to imagine how incredibly HOT and parched hellish dry the summer of 2018 is going to be. I would much rather we have a super El Nino with 100% all rain, than have this dry horrific winter, then a dry horrific (and record HOT) spring, followed by the Summer Straight From Hell. Climate Change is HELL, and the worst effects will be seen in the Mid Atlantic, NOT the Arctic. La Nina will last into late 2023. We will still get lots of snow this winter but it will be dry fluffy snow, and melted down, this snow will not help the serious drought here in the Mid Atlantic. We are going to be exactly like California by 2021.
  17. All I want for Christmas, is a Dec 31 2017 thru Jan 2 2018 blizzard.

  18. This is absolutely horrific beyond words.
  19. Does anyone know where I can get an AFD for anywhere in coastal Texas, as close to Corpus as possible? I want to read a full technical AFD about the next 7 days in that part of Texas, lol. I have been looking for hours and hours - can't find a single AFD about the storm. I am developing a full documentary about Harvey, with pics and notepad backups of all pertinent AFDs. I guess you could say I am slightly interested in this storm.
  20. In light of this radar (as of 258am CDT) https://radar.weather.gov/Conus/southmissvly.php our prayers are with you all down in the great state of Louisiana. That radar does not look good.
  21. Upper Midwest will have prolonged record cold this winter. Any snow that accumulates will stay around til September. You will have many snowstorms. Get extra snow shovels, particularly the Jebman brand with a fiberglass handle and a reinforced square edge. You can chip thru thick ice with those, as well as digging thru mountains of windblown drifts. That is the shovel that I used to liberate Dale City last January in the Great Blizzard of 2016. Don't take chances, folks. Have at least FIVE of those shovels on hand. If you get overwhelmed by too much snow, you know who to call: Jeb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I cant remember the name of that famous hurricane chaser here on American who chases hurricanes all over the world, but is he chasing Meranti? He ought to be able to get some good video coverage.
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