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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. The GFS amuses me. 12z had a huge snowstorm next weekend affecting 1/3 of the country. 18z it was gone except for light snow along I25
  2. GFS wants to bring in a big cold blast and widespread snow for post-Thanksgiving
  3. Got our first snowflakes of the season, but just too little too fast to even attempt to accumulate
  4. GFS in midseason form with some of its insane snow totals the last couple runs
  5. And 1 year later we're getting near record highs
  6. Finally got some half decent rain yesterday, about 0.75" Throw in some hail that shook my weather station enough to record another 0.75" in about 30 seconds and you have a nice day!
  7. Wilmore Dam in Cambria County is at its limit https://www.wearecentralpa.com/news/local-news/cambria-county-dam-reaches-capacity-residents-evacuated/
  8. Some of you guys are going to get more rain the rest of the week than I've seen all year.
  9. So no one cares about this storm anymore?
  10. What kind of bandwidth is there to even do rescues at this point?
  11. Sure, but I'm assuming that this video was live streamed (even if also locally recorded) vs being uploaded after the fact. All my cameras are streamed live but also recorded locally
  12. The impressive part is that it kept streaming with all the power outages. Obviously most home cameras are on home internet, not LTE like the surge cam
  13. I think the camera is simply on the ground.
  14. Did the surge cam slide down the pole? Its angle looks lower than before
  15. Is it just me or is the deck/porch of that house gone?
  16. That video is one hell of an advertisement for whatever model of camera that is
  17. That Grand Isle webcam is about to get submerged
  18. I can't believe that camera is still able to broadcast
  19. I'm impressed the camera is still rolling
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