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09-10 analogy

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Everything posted by 09-10 analogy

  1. 11" as the final tally. That'll do, pig. ("Babe" movie reference)
  2. Baltimore folks will get theirs soon. After all, aren't all of BWI's (or Baltimore's) top 10 at or above 20"? (OK, number 10 is the second Feb 10 storm, at 19.5"). Can't say that about PHL or CPK, I don't think. I'd love to live there again. But job/family, etc ...
  3. 10.75". Cleared that bar easily. Don't think I'll get to a foot though. But who knows? This storm just would not quit. Gorgeous out there tonight. DCA's total is astonishing. The government shutdown must have furloughed the usual monitors and Jessie Pinkman took over. Or Snookiecoma.
  4. I haven't seen anything like a 15" report from Montgomery County or anywhere else for that matter. Is there a Montgomery County in Missouri?
  5. 9" in upper NW. I'm sure there's been some compaction, so more than that has probably fallen. Doesn't really matter; it's a dynamite storm. Just walked over to Whole Foods. Moderate to occasionally heavy snow there and back. DC and environs are rolling all 6's with this one.
  6. Seems to be picking back up. We're gonna close strong I think.
  7. Yeah, this may be the heaviest yet here in Tenleytown as well. Maybe we're under the same band. It feels good to be in the jackpot zone for a change. Even the biggest and best ones ... 2016, 2010, 1996 ... north and west got more. Which, of course, is totally to be expected. But I feel inside the Beltway is keeping pace with just about everyone with this one.
  8. Lightening up a bit now, but it was pounding just a few minutes ago. At 7" now, maybe a wee bit more. Leffe break, then another walk. It is kind of bittersweet for me, though; this is the first snow since she was old enough to go sledding that my daughter didn't want to.
  9. Generously endowed flakes coming down quite heavily in up nw. When this band came in, some IP was mixing in, but back to all snow now and the heaviest I've seen today. Might get that magic 8" after all.
  10. Up to 6.25"; a couple of the larger random measures were 6.4" or so. Dubious about how much more I'm going to get, since every promising band (at least according to the COD radar) seems to die off once it hits here. There was a promising snake of a band oriented along the Potomac that was headed my way a couple of ticks ago, but it seems to be expiring as well. This reminds me of Dec 5 2002 actually. Similar accumulation, I think that was primarily a nighttime event. Just in how it's playing out through my eyes, not any kind of meteorological analysis (which I'm not intellectually equipped to do anyway). Hopefully this is the opening act for Epicness: Snowmaggeadon Returns.
  11. 6" on the dot in upper NW. Very pretty. EDIT: Some light stuff starting up again. Actually 6" seems a little high, given the other reports around me. Went back out and took a few more measurements, and 5.75" seems more accurate.
  12. It blows away the Knickerbocker for crying out loud.
  13. Some good stuff on the doorstep .... side streets completely covered now, lt-mod snow that looks to pick up in intensity shortly. I'd say I've packed away my first inch.
  14. Some larger flakes ... still light though ... sidewalks beginning to coat over. Had a salt truck go by my rinky dink sidestreet about an hour ago. If they're salting my street, whatever must they be doing to the main arterials?
  15. These are the tiniest flakes I’ve ever seen. I’d get out my microscope to look at them if I had a microscope handy.
  16. Yeah, flurries in up nw too. Except that they’ve stopped for the nonce.
  17. Always nice to have the local forecast reach double digits, even though I'm not expecting that. But 8" seems eminently possible. Certainly will put anything since the blizzard to shame.
  18. This could be St Louis' second-biggest snow ever. Their all-time record is only 15.6". That makes Washington look like Boston in comparison.
  19. Some bigger flakes mixing in; haven't heard any IP for a few minutes. I'd say you could slap a MOD tag on what is falling now.
  20. Nice squall in upper NW. Windy, snow, a little sleet (or graupel?) Sticking in places but streets just damp.
  21. 40/70 Benchmark wrote: "Considering the evolution of the first half of the season, it is exceedingly difficult for the beleaguered calvary of winter aficionados to elude the perception of old man winter as an aging middle aged boxer, flailing away in vain during the final moments of a banal career." This is great stuff! I like to start my mornings with a good laugh, and just hitting the "like" button doesn't do this justice. Thanks for posting.
  22. Windstorm areawide, but to be parochial about it, it was one of the August cloudbursts, which prompted water to flow like a little Chatooga River in places that I hadn’t seen in the 16 years I‘ve lived in this neighborhood.
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