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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. I am not denying it is warm or data you have presented for these locations. I am expecting a lot more warmth records to fall in the years to come. But the statement of this being 1 in 1000 years is typical fear mongering type tactic. We are missing a good 800+ years of identical daily/moment by moment data to make this statement. In recent years these type of statements have been a lot more popular to use in the Meteorological world and many times it is disingenuous and intentionally used for as headline grabbing tactics.
  2. I know what your saying but you know it wouldn't work out as desired. Get to much warm early and we end up with blossom damage and/or honey bee loss. So I don't mind going back to a cold pattern. Just hope it isn't dry and cold. Let's have some fun as it cools off again.
  3. That March 1996 was much bigger locally (I was living in Macomb County at that time). Thundersnow included!! That was a great storm!! I recall the forecast was rain ending with 1-2" of slop. 12"+ later in local areas in central Macomb county to Port Huron. You are missing a lot of great April storms unless that is just DTW area.
  4. Just went through a MJO well into phase 6-7, strong +NAO & strong +AO. Highly predicable warm start to the month.
  5. Yeah it is becoming less and less of an event worth watching that is for sure!!
  6. My area still is finding a way to get near with mostly above average snowfall winters, with only 16/17 being a stinker being well below average, in the past 10 years. I use the full average not just 30 year averages.
  7. He has been playing the same game for a long time!! There have been plenty of big dogs and lots of people remember them. Your choice not too because your desire is a EC type storm with 3'+ and constant blizzard. I suggest you move!
  8. Of course there is Powerball that moves to TX but yet come here to troll the SE MI posters.
  9. Yep. Spring 2023 was about as average of a spring as you get around here!! Neither warmth or cool was dominate. Sadly my best spring storms were late March/early April.
  10. Using the term Morch was troll like and he knows it!!!
  11. A bit unexpected day here. Never got above freezing. 31.3F on my gauge was the high. Freezing Fog this morning and clouds all day!!
  12. At least that way they can cherry pick model run and say they nailed it Enjoying this week but looking forward to getting back to an active pattern.
  13. I don't know why anyone would want to go out on Portage ice especially in the Houghton/Hancock bridge area. When I went to MTU, yes there were snowmobiles all the time, but they wouldn't stop unless it had been very cold. Even then not so much in the Bridge area. We rarely saw people out on it. A winter like this you must be crazy to go out there!!!
  14. Not sure why you say this will piss off winter weenies. I live on a lake and see it all the time. Many groups of birds hang here until the lake freezes and then go south to the next unfrozen lake. And so on. Not all birds go deep south or Mexico/Latin America. I have seen it many times with mid-winter thaws like this as they will head north to find open water. Had some here the other day but my lake is solid ice. They flew over and moved on. If we get an ending with lots of cold they will go back south. Many try to hang on the fringes of frozen lakes instead of flying deep south.
  15. Cool sunny day here after a cloudy start. Clear tonight with temps now in mid20s. Low 20s likely.
  16. How close are you to Mid Michigan College? We have done some road and MTN Biking around there. Nice area!!
  17. Yeah. It reminds me of being in a temperate rain forests (Glacier Bay NP and Olympic NP). I know I am going to enjoy the sun.
  18. Yeah that SB storm was only heavy in the hills of Oakland but most place 2-5" I lived near Alpine Valley and parts of Oakland had a bit over 6". After an incredible Dec start to winter that SB storm ended up being my biggest storm of that winter. Oh I remember that 2015 storm being near a foot+ all over. I was happy knowing you finally got your big one. That February was awesome!!
  19. It was SB day. Got several up this way with the SB2006 but most places only got a couple/few inches.
  20. I'll definitely take this over clouds, fog and drizzle!!!
  21. Opps HAHAHA . You are totally right. Totally my bad. Sorry Cromatie!! I will gladly admit my mistake!!
  22. Hmmm lets check Cromartie's math. Average high 2/1 is 32. 55-32 = 13. Average high 8/1 is 84. 84-13 = 71. Go away Cromartie EDIT: I admit. I am an idiot 55-32 = 23. Average high 8/1 is 84. 84-23 = 61.
  23. Yes they should be good games. Packers finally playing like the Packers again. Honest expect us to split our games again next year. Agree about those other games
  24. Amazing season. Yes that sucked but IMO I think KS would destroy our secondary in the SB (not the same KS team of week 1). I think 49er are better built to stop them. For me, this will only hurt if Detroit collapses going forward and doesn't grow from it which I don't see that happening. Players actually want to come to Detroit (don't think I could ever say that in all my years)!! Our OC is staying (could have been a HC). I know there are no guarantees in the NFL but I believe there are actual good signs going forward. That my 10 cents about the whole thing
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