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Everything posted by SolidIcewx

  1. Some tor signatures popping up hopefully stay radar indicated.
  2. Gave me an idea for a fun concept. What if the moisture and low associated with Hillary was able to produce a derecho along the ridge if thats even possible
  3. I was noticing that too. Things are definitely starting to go downhill. The training on that band tho. Hoping for a better outcome but we are going to see incredible videos
  4. Hella rain band about to move into the Salton Sea area
  5. Think the wildfire smoke being associated with less UV rays getting through could have an effect on colors?
  6. Damn I’ll probably miss the peak. I’ll be heading to the newberry area end of next month
  7. Your are right I took a better look at the models. Crazy this is happening but expect the unexpected especially with the changing climate. Also the triple dip La Niña to a hard El Niño coming into play. Fascinating nonetheless
  8. Wonder if this storm will fall apart like Hurricane Lance did when it was approaching Hawaii a few years back
  9. Hot damn this is insane. I’m quite hyped about this storm like I was with Patricia several years ago. Cloud field is definitely massive. Wonder if it will be able to overcome the dry air to an extent
  10. Ahh gotta love a double tap… clearing some brush around a power pole and a yellow jacket from hell nabbed me twice on my neck. Welp back to work I guess lol. Makes # 2/3 so far this summer
  11. @hardypalmguy I correct my statement. Now that cold drizzle has been going on for a couple hours it absolutely sucks lol
  12. If I didn’t work outside I’d totally agree. I love my dose of heat from time to time but that’s when I don’t gotta be out 10 hours in it lmao.
  13. I haven’t personally. That is really weird I’ll keep out for it if it does happen to myself
  14. 71/61 supposed to be 73 today. I’ll take it. Nice breeze and feels wonderful outside
  15. Reminds me of the tropical depression that made its way up here several years ago
  16. Sun shines on a dogs ass once in awhile and if it does this time it’s gonna shine hot! Down in Columbus it’s looking like 5-6 days of potential Mid 90s. Hopefully a big boomer to make it all worth it
  17. There are even a few maples, granted very few and far between that are turning a bit even in Columbus Ohio
  18. Y’all can keep the extreme heat. Shits for the birds unless a big boomer comes of it
  19. That’s how I felt a month ago in Lima Ohio. Hell of a storm with a huge core dumping tennis balls a half to 3/4 of a mile to my south. I was ready to hop in my work truck and roll tuck and boogie out of there to prevent damage. Lots of crops sustained heavy damage in the area and vehicle damage also from what locals were telling me
  20. That’s awesome to hear and glad to come home to this also! I think I seen one possible CG just now was a visible strike in front of the storm to my north
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