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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. My final tally from yesterday is exactly 1.00", most of which fell in a beautiful ground-soaking light to moderate form. My three-day total is 2.32" of glorious drought-busting H2O, which IMO, in aggregate, was very well modeled for the most part. That total doesn't even include the .7" I received last Wednesday. If it weren't for these abnormally low temps to start the month the grass would be humming this week. As it is, I expect the mowers to be out in full force by the end of the week. Speaking of cool temps, the records for lowest high temp for May 2/3 are 50/49 -- something to keep an eye on. Also curious to see if these snow showers in the coming days can lay anything down in some unsuspecting parts. Fun times. Enjoy the week ahead, everyone.
  2. Yeah I had the same thought, that obviously Friday was included in his total. All the stations around here are right around an inch for the day or even a bit under. I’ll grab my final tally in the morning but i know at last daylight i was probably only .8-.9ish, glancing from afar.
  3. Well the NWS still shows a high of 61 later. Who knows if that will actually happen but it’s what I was going off of. Even an average of 53 would only drop the monthly average .1 degree at this point. We are the only two people in the world haggling over whether a tenth of a degree difference puts us in 3rd or 4th place in the books haha.
  4. I planned on diving in on this tomorrow but yeah holding steady at 57.1 and a tie for third seems likely or perhaps another .1 drop to 57.0 and alone in fourth place. Nothing more than that will be possible as the average temp of 55ish for today shouldn't move the needle much.
  5. An additional .08” brings my total to 1.32” as the heavy stuff sits on the doorstep. Gonna be a wet one.
  6. Yeah the zone forecasts are always a bit slow in catching up to the trends playing out in model world.
  7. I knew this response was coming when I typed that bahahahahaha
  8. Whoa whoa whoa, since when was 41 considered old!? You young bucks will find out soon enough. Father Time comes for all, and he comes quick.
  9. It seems we're 18 years apart. Only a Statistician could figure that one out.
  10. Bingo. Easterly type flow for the next three days equals nothing nice.
  11. Today is definitely the mowing day. I will be grabbing a beer and firing her up the second I am off work.
  12. A rare feat ha. Yeah, most of the heavy action seemed to stay more along the Route 23 corridor and points just south. Don't forget the "Ante Meridiem - Eastern Daylight Time"
  13. A pleasantly surprising .7" of total rainfall here, to go along with some marble-seized hail. A nice precursor to the wet'n'wild weekend ahead.
  14. There are multiple mPing reports right by my house for 1/4 to 1/2” hail. Will have to ask the wifey.
  15. @Itstrainingtime looks like you should finally get your rain in Maytown with these cells currently moving in.
  16. Damn that stinks. Sounds like something unsavory may have happened to cause the divorce. Unfortunate.
  17. You remind me of my old Mexican neighbor from many years back who used to mow quite literally every other day, and afterwards would spend endless hours hand clipping stuff with scissors. Kid you not. He once intimated to me that it was mainly to get away from his wife haha. I will be mowing for the 4th time on Thursday, prior to the weekend wetness.
  18. Tell the Drought Monitor it can go ahead and taker a snooze for a bit.....
  19. Didn’t encounter anything lower than 34 on my travels to the train station this morning. No real signs of frost, perhaps a touch if I squint hard enough through some of the low-lying rurals.
  20. Morning weather friends. It looks like things are mostly going as expected with us currently back in the top spot for hottest April ever at 58.5 degrees, even with Thursday and Friday not quite bringing the heat in the way that was expected. But a cool final week is set to knock things back a degree or two. I did some quick calculations and I'm going with a final 7-day average temp of 52.3, which would bring us down to a final average monthly temp of ~57.2 -- good for a tenth ahead of 1915 for 3rd place but a full degree behind 1941 for 2nd place. It has been written. Looks like a classic spring week ahead. Enjoy, everyone.
  21. Really strong winds here when the main line arrived, took me off guard. Have some friends with some tree damage. Rain wasn’t overly heavy though. A little more than a half inch here thus far.
  22. Weeeeelllll my wife is on board soooooo……hey yo! Alright alright, I’ll see myself out haha.
  23. Well only the Safe Harbor to worry about down here and if you have problems with that, well, you have bigger issues haha. Spoken like a true river rat! Yes indeed, Lake Clarke. We have the river to ourselves today. So serene.
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