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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Very true but certainly more support for the Ukie at this moment, albeit not overwhelmingly so. The 12z Euro run coming up here is huge, should really be in its wheelhouse at this point.
  2. Temps in upper teens to low 20s at this point and they don't seem to rise much from there. QPF around a half inch for most throughout the day.
  3. Yes it seems like he's coming around. You aren't kidding about the Ukie! 2M, 925, 850 and 700 temps all look to hold throughout the duration of the storm for most of the forum too. Color me intrigued.
  4. Latest from Horst...... (1/2) Keeping with the recent trend...tonight's system is rather weak & north-tracking. Temps are marginal, but colder outlying and low lying areas may get some front-end ice...whereas milder areas (and treated surfaces) may see mainly plain rain. #StayAware (2/2) The next system in the queue looks stronger and more impactful with snow developing before daybreak Thursday...then an extended period of sleet/freezing rain Thursday midday and afternoon. Definitely not a good day for travel, especially heading northward.
  5. Yes I was having the same issue earlier but now it appears to be working again, at least for the short range models. Just checked and the hover feature is working fine for the Euro too but not the GFS. Maybe just a temporary glitch, who knows......
  6. Euro still with the ice to the south snow to the north theme for Monday night into Tuesday and holding onto the coastal idea for Thursday. One way or another it's looking like one hell of a messy week ahead.
  7. Oh I know my friend, that's actually the one I've been keeping a keen eye on because I have to drive to the Poconos that day. Looks downright treacherous with that low level cold refusing to budge until late in the act, really hoping for a Euro coastal look. My plans may have to change, especially given what we saw in that horrendous video out of Fort Worth. Man that was tough to watch, never seen anything quite like it.
  8. GFS cuts the low across Virginia resulting in an ice storm for much of the LSV, snow in the I80 and north corridor, and battleground in the middle susquehanna valley. Interesting.
  9. Thanks, I use e-Wall and Pivotal and they don't include ICON and JMA. I assume you use TT for those? I will say e-Wall has had some issues lately but that's long been my go-to, feel like I'm at the helm of a nuclear control room when I'm on that site, love it haha.
  10. Welp the nam/rdps/wrf/nmmb all basically say no dice to the weekend event, outside of perhaps some light scattered snizzle.....let's see what the gfs/cmc/ecmwf have to say for next week
  11. To me, and as a number of you have mentioned, by far the biggest story of the pattern is the inability of the truly arctic air centered over the central part of the country to bleed its way east. I mean, considering what all the models were advertising for most of the past week it's pretty stunning to see where things are heading. Disappointing really, as I was looking forward to some icebox temps, to say nothing of the fact that snow is likely off the table for most of the LSV now as well. Not giving up yet but trends are less than ideal.
  12. 24 hour snowfall was one of the more uniform distributions I've seen across CTP land recently, with almost all reports within the 1.5"-3.5" range and only a couple minor lollipops out in the typical hotspots of the Laurels.
  13. Hello anotherman! I used to take the train from Mount Joy everyday and hopefully will again if we ever get back to working in-person. I got 2.0" on the nose. Not bad, was hoping to squeeze out 3-4 but was always hesitant given that northeastern cutoff gradient that had be showing up on most of the models for days on end. On to the net one....
  14. Boy you aren't kidding about the GFS and I have my doubts about the Para, whenever I've cross-checked it (you know, when it's actually up and running ha) I have not been impressed. I love the NAM and always have, don't care who knows it. It can be a VERY useful tool. Odd that I did a touch better than you with this event, not that .2" is very meaningful, but I've noticed in checking the boards this season that you usually come in a bit higher than me, which I guess is to be expected with you being a bit further west and having almost 100' of elevation on me. What can I say, it's the little things that intrigue me. Carry on.....
  15. 2.0" here, a beautiful look outside. Looks like loads of precip in the pipeline for the next week or so, just a matter of how it falls. Stay tuned.
  16. 30/25 light snow, deck covered. All the Mesos say a couple to perhaps a few inches around here. I'll take it.
  17. Okay yep, my buddy's parents live on one of those newer plots off of Klinesville and 441. You have 200' of elevation on me, doesn't sound like much but can make quite a difference in marginal events. I'll be curious to see how your totals compare to mine in certain situations.
  18. Nice! I normally work in Harrisburg, used to take the train every day, but we've been working from home since last March. Who the heck knows when The Guv will let us come back.
  19. Nice, I'm very familiar with that area. I feel like I know some of you already just from reading the boards ha. Also, whoever brought up Married With Children earlier, god bless you, I love that show and don't care what that makes me. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
  20. Howdy gents (and ladies if there are any out there), I'm a long time lurker of various weather forums but decided to finally take the plunge and join. Been keeping fairly detailed weather data going on ten years now for my location here just south of Mount Joy in Lancaster County. I live at the base of Chickies Ridge (Chiques if ya like), on the north side, at a low elevation of only ~360 ft. I'm prone to some pretty decent inversions on calm clear winter nights where I'll often be 5-10 degrees colder than up on the ridge. Of course, the opposite is true in all other scenarios, which is the vast majority of the time ha. Anyway, now that I told you a bit about myself, let's get to tracking. Too many impulses coming through in the next week to not cash the goods on something. Seemed like the perfect time to join, cheers!
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