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About nsof

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  • Location:
    Philadelphia, PA
  1. Respectfully disagree. Man puts out his forecast and sticks to it, doesn't sh*t talk other Mets, and explains the processes better than most meteorologists. Learned a lot from following him. To each their own though.
  2. Don't take that verbatim its probably a feedback error from that purple band to the west
  3. They pointed at some confidence that there will be mesoscale banding in CNJ or coastal region that gets a solid 6 inches. Worry that if that happens it causes Philly Metro/west of I95 to only get 1-2, similar to last storm. Hope that band doesn't materialize and we just get a region wide ~4
  4. Winter of sleet for Philly folk. Rough year. Maybe next time
  5. 00z runs should be a good tell with new data and samplings. 18z fun to look at though
  6. Lol not using your mind. This might help though. https://www.weather.gov/phi/WinterWx#:~:text=Usually issued 6 to 18,for at least three hours.
  7. Within 12 hours of the event, here is Mt. Holly's criteria FWIW
  8. Watches wouldn't make sense with the storm mainly being tonight-tomorrow morning. Will stay as WWA or be upgraded to a WSW. WSW criteria is also different for SEPA compared to SNJ so it will be interesting to watch.
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