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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Indeed, one week of winter (and maybe more if we’re lucky) is better than zero.
  2. Think I spoke too soon about this being a complete disaster. It’s probably going to be a slight letdown when all is said and done, but we’ve had much worse.
  3. And yet your instincts turned out to be correct, because every storm finds a way to bust around here.
  4. I’d like to know the secret to viewing a 2” event positively when every single model had us getting at least 3 and the NWS pretty much guaranteed it (90% chance).
  5. In the 143 seasons of records prior to last year, there were 7 that failed to produce an advisory level snowfall (5%). Now we’re on the cusp of two in a row.
  6. And it’s not even the NWS’s fault. Every single run of every single model yesterday had us getting a solid 3-5” event and we still got fucked.
  7. It’s just ridiculous. This one, the NWS had a 90% chance of 3” or more and it’s still going to fail.
  8. Add that to the 1” that was officially observed at the NWS at 7am and that’s 2”, which means an advisory bust.
  9. 3” used to be incredibly easy to get. Like it used to happen several times a season. But now it hasn’t happened for two years, at least officially at PIT.
  10. Just woke up. Are we going to fall short of an advisory level event AGAIN?
  11. Dewpoints are currently in the single digits. Does that mean we battle dry air at onset again?
  12. Yeah. Definitely to be enjoyed. We don’t get these too often, let alone twice in the same week.
  13. NWS seems to agree with the sentiment that this won’t bust badly, with probabilities of 2” at 85%+ across the county.
  14. No it doesn’t warrant an advisory. It’s a long duration event that might meet advisory criteria over 36-48 hours. That said, 3-4 inches of snow on snow would be satisfactory. But if it’s 1-2 inches, why even bother?
  15. It’s been the same old story over and over again for every single snow event that’s happened the past two winters. Today’s NWS discussion: - Snow chances increase on Thursday, but the main focus for widespread accumulations will be Thursday night and Friday. Snow accumulation could exceed criteria for headlines, but current probabilities are pointing to the highest threat in the ridges.
  16. Running out of time for an actual good event. If we come back from next week’s thaw quickly, there’s 5, maybe 6 weeks left. It’s sad that our bar for satisfactory at this point is set at advisory level snowfalls or even less, but we really could go another winter without one.
  17. Oh right, so it was never an advisory event in the NWS’ eyes. It was two separate events totaling 3.some inches.
  18. NWS has dialed us back to some stupid little sub-advisory level 2.4” event, which is actually the same as what we got yesterday. Their discussion repeats the same old stupid little mantra of “advisories are likely in the ridges” that has pretty much defined the last two years. Not ideal, but would get us into the double digits for the season.
  19. Low end amount of 2” in Pittsburgh is pretty solid.
  20. Nice little event this morning. Grass is finally covered for the first time since March 2022.
  21. That was meant all in good fun. It’s MLK day, so I was thinking of the great MLK Day bust of 2022.
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