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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. What is up with the energy off California, it has basically no precip but a ton of energy at h5? Help how does this work @stormtracker
  2. Thanks @RDM @NorthArlington101and @vastateofmindfor the advice. Got 10th and a time drop in my 50 free and a 1 and a 1/2 second time drop in my 100 free getting me 8th place. Times were 23.13 and 50.41 and am now as a freshman swimming two events in regionals! Also my school won the district, was an awesome experience. All jumped in the pool and stuff when they announced it. Anyways thanks for the advice and stuff it seems to of helped.
  3. I could see it with that crazy band that pivoted over them
  4. Have districts tonight for high school swim, swimming 50 and 100 free. Seated 11 th in both events have to get top ten to get to regionals. Have to drop around a half second in 50 free and a little over a second in 100 free. From the swimmers on this board any advice also @NorthArlington101 got any advice?
  5. Add an inch for each run, just like how you multiply your 25 time by 4 to get your 100 time in swim and we are looking at about 2 feet of snow. What can go wrong
  6. .75 inches of snow, a little disappointed but happy I added .5 to my .25 overnight. It still looks nice outside too.
  7. .25 inches of snow, seems to be a region minimum. Looks nice I guess but this storm was pretty terrible.
  8. Why are we stuck with pixie dust flakes, it is the band to the south? Is there any chance that might change?
  9. Barley over a dusting, small snow flakes. Thought we were supposed to get some nice fluffy flakes, what happened?
  10. Some people were mentioning how we might see some lows riding a front next week instead of nothing or just a big overrunning event. I think that the latest GFS looks a little closer to the lows riding the front scenario.
  11. Flakes went from small and few and far between to more plentiful and big and fluffy in the past 45 minutes. No accumulations, but looks nice outside.
  12. Should mention that I am currently around the Oakton area, my house near Reston has been having much better tempo and flake size.
  13. Snow flurries/mist for the past hour or so, but in the past 15 or so minutes has increased in tempo a bit.
  14. Most models have nothing while on the radar there is something
  15. I'm making eggs currently, the brine is the flavoring
  16. CWG revised their forecast, extended the 1-3 west. Old Forecast New Forecast
  17. Failing due to warm while Ocean City snows would be quite ironic.
  18. Would not be surprised to see the models juice up by a little more going into game time. Maybe an additional .1 or .2
  19. Interesting, maybe the models will converge after the new data is in.
  20. GFS upped QDF by about .1 for the region with the disturbance Friday. Has been upping the moisture with that part for a bit.
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