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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. We got named so the thread is justified, I don’t make the rules that’s just how it works
  2. We’re a snow town now* *(some terms and conditions apply)
  3. Increased humidity in the summer functions to keep heat down despite overall warming
  4. And absolutely amazing snow globe flakes outside under the band, great conditions for the sled riding with friends
  5. Isn’t that not the real back edge anyways, aren’t we still supposed to have snow showers into early afternoon?
  6. Omg When’s the last we’ve seen 5-8 over the metros on that map
  7. Right on the edge of the louden band as it moves into Reston and now big flakes are mixing with the smaller ones.
  8. Remember when the goal was to get a coating down to “lay a base” before daylight
  9. Damn we’ve managed to make capital weather gang to bust low twice, both after a forecast update lmao
  10. Better than yellow snow picking up I hope
  11. 2.7 inches of snow with 6 on the ground from both, going to need 1.3 to beat last storm which I definitely doable
  12. Soooo … when are we starting the radio show?
  13. The thread always flips whatever the current vibe is, I’m sure all of our seasoned meteorologists agree that’s how weather works
  14. If we are so insistent on discussing the HRRR its probably best to look at its run on run trends, which are very positive from 12z to 18z.
  15. What one “off” run does to mf after 6 consecutive good trends
  16. Either way if a solid 1-2 is shown on guidance it’s still snow on snow! Also it’s during the highest impact time Friday which helps with canceling school
  17. Appears the jackpot zone was most likely somewhere in the middle of fx county, woke up at 4am to measure and got 4.2 and only .2 of that came after 11pm.
  18. For anyone wanting coastal enchantment be warned as it is freezing rain even on the fairfax louden county boarder
  19. Out in the greens with yellows approaching in Reston and the flake size has increased significantly
  20. They’re going down with the ship too, their 8pm update said 1-2 more inches overnight …
  21. Went on an hour long jebwalk and got a friend to accompany me for 1/3 of it (and a brief snowball fight). Just reached 3.5 with .5 of that in the last 20 minutes
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