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Everything posted by winterwarlock

  1. 91 imby...day 4 of my heatwave Yesterday i hit 91 for first official heatwave Lets see if more overperformance happens on Saturday and Sunday
  2. 93 my high..10th 90+ day Going for my first official heatwave tomorrow
  3. 94 for me yesterday imby, tied for 2nd hottest day of year and my 9th 90 plus reading of the year
  4. We got most in last week but this week is the issue. Will probably end up doing maybe 50% of our lawns this week. Even the ones with sprinklers are dried out because they are the most damaged by fertilizers Have not seen things go this dry imby in well over a decade maybe 2 decades There was a year in the mid 90s that was brutal? 95/96 maybe?
  5. Need big gullywasher tomorrow to keep me in the lawn maintenance business
  6. Dry begets dry The mid range forecasts have been awful. I dont see why that would change for a sketchy event on thursday
  7. Getting close..closing in on 90..temps overperforming again
  8. 90 and more clearing so could go higher
  9. Looks like a forecast bust..headed for a partly sunny day with highs around 90 and probably dry
  10. 95 hottest day of year thus far Now seeing forecasts temps bumped for tomorrow..could eek out a 90 imby
  11. 94 imby..ties 5/31 for my hottest day of the year Summer
  12. 94 imby..ties 5/31 for my hottest day of the year Summer
  13. .26 imby. Going to end the last 3 weeks of June pretty dry
  14. Heard my first cicada 6/25 at 8:33 am. A tad early and likely made a nice lunch for a bird. They will bust out more this weekend
  15. Summer weather despite lots of proclamations about wet and no heat. Seeing 95 now for Friday Question..whats the deal with rain on Monday..is this scattered stuff in the morning?
  16. Getting some drops now but its not even enough to qualify as a shower or even spritz...call it sporadic drips Puts me in a conundrum of whether to stop work or not
  17. Im just north of Princeton and still nothing
  18. I thought most of the rain was coming Thursday?
  19. Only 1.07 inches of precip for me in past 17 days..drying patches showing up. Last weeks .46 really did little to stop this process
  20. People have been saying wet pattern for a month now but in central jersey we have had below normal rainfall and the lawns are beginning to dry out
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