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Everything posted by A777

  1. Got sandwiched by rain on 3 sides... nothing here except a few wind gusts to 40
  2. Just now intercepted a leafnado in my front yard.
  3. Another high-shear low cape event... This is the 14z HRRR
  4. While Dulles can't get its latest first freeze, its about to break the record for latest first <=29 temp (November 12). Also looks like BWI will break its record for latest first freeze (November 17th)
  5. Not tropical related, but I'd imagine that some of the posts from 3/28 and 4/12 aged horribly too..
  6. Looks like another high shear nonexistent CAPE event that produces nothing for us... maybe a few rumbles of thunder south of I-64
  7. SPC mentioning the possibility of some low-CAPE severe fun on Wednesday
  8. BWI: 17.3" DCA: 13.4" IAD: 21.1" RIC: 15.6" Tiebreaker-LYH: 14.2"
  9. How fitting that we begin November with cold rain...
  10. My first year not trick-or-treating.. Had about 20 kids take candy from the bag we left out , leaving us with around 200 pieces of candy
  11. Don't be too harsh on the GFS-P... it just wants to see what happens when we run out of letters in the Greek Alphabet
  12. Hour 306 GFS brings out the dreaded F word... On a more serious note, the last few GFS runs have been pretty consistent with something developing in the Southern Caribbean in 7-10 days, and SSTs are still 28-30C there...
  13. I'm on my school's quizbowl team. Quizbowl is a trivia competition where you try and answer questions before someone on the other team does. The first line of a question is a really obscure clue, and the clues gradually become easier as the question progresses. At my competition today, there was a question where the first line was "Lapse rates are the rate at which this quantity decreases with altitude." The advantages of being a weenie...
  14. Looks like these 70s have been wasted, since there won't be any interesting weather with the next front... Next Thursday looks slightly interesting on the GFS, though
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