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Everything posted by Rmine1

  1. Yeah unfortunately we’re 150 miles away! Lol
  2. Oh I know. Just annoying to see “heavy rain” each day, knowing it ain’t happening
  3. Confused, confused
  4. That’s being generous. It’s meh in areas where it was supposed to be not meh right now. I don’t see how the island gets anything meaningful tonight
  5. Stick a fork in this one. The wait continues
  6. Two little storms disappeared as fast as they formed while heading east. Not encouraging for later
  7. I’d say location dependent, but based on radar that may not be the case. Upton in their latest disco, not overly enthused, at least for my area. Wait and see, or is it wait and not see?
  8. It’s laughable seeing the POP drop with every update, yet still no mention of sun. Tonight’s chances are starting to wane as well.
  9. And we’re back. Rain chances for tomorrow dwindling.
  10. Good soaking in Brightwaters finally
  11. My fear is Mama Nature will figure out how to make it rain this weekend when I’m at the beach house!
  12. It must be raining IYBY, because you’re not flailing about the weather like I am!
  13. I wish Upton would come to its senses and drop the rain forecast for LI
  14. I didn’t even have that!
  15. Nah. Worst setup for severe on the island. Plus it’s been nothing but low clouds here all day. Nothing to fire up any convection
  16. Yeah, I don’t get why Upton is still at 70% for the overnight here. Complete BS
  17. Zero for all of the island, despite what Upton says
  18. Agreed. Air mass is too stable along the coast. Not expecting any rain in SW Suffolk theres a HWO by the SPC putting basically the western half of LI for marginal risk of severe TS. Ain’t happening
  19. Should be fine. Inland is where the action is going to be.
  20. Beaches locked in fog https://www.bungersurf.com/Bunger_Surfcam/index
  21. Edit #2. It’s clear on the water now. Auntie Em it’s a twister!
  22. This time of year, a matter of feet can make a difference! I’m a mile from the GSB. edit: sun is out now, but right on the water is a different story
  23. June gloom in full force on the south shore. Could be the main story here for the next few days
  24. It’s awful for everyone, unless the east end
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