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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. Where's Paul Bunyan when you need him. Break out the barrels of whiskey, and have him drunk, and pissing every 15 min on those damn fires.
  2. Skies thick with smoke today. Started smelling it last night.
  3. That's a very warm low. Hard to cool down with temps 68-75 by a.m. MSP will the same. Tough man. Ish. Current wx is pleasant.
  4. LOL -30 is nearly as tough on the flip from 100. Ish to that too. LOL In the end, both hurt.
  5. I'm at 1.4". Sad indeed. Since May 1st only 4.66". Most of that is between Jun 24 - Jul 20 with 4.19". With most of that between Jun 24 - Jul 5 at 3.25". Just enough to keep things green. Lawns were more golden colored prior to Jun 24. And, as mentioned before, the robust snowpack with very little frost in the ground, allowed large amounts of water to soak deep, so the trees are doing fine...so far. That 2 week stretch of heavier rains (3.25") really helped there. Come on Aug!
  6. More of that damn smoke coming in today. Much thicker in W & S MN tho. Other wise beautiful summer wx with scattered stms.
  7. Summer is back with upper 70's- low 80's on tap for the next few days with a decent chance of shwrs/stms Sat, and next Wed here in town.
  8. 0.55" of rain yesterday. Enough to give lawns n gardens a little drink. Overall dry conditions still prevailing, even if it's still green.
  9. Just thinking about it, I've never seen hail in town larger than peas. Back in the mid 90's we had a softball sized event on Hwy 61 between here, and Duluth. Damaged a few cars, and some underwear, too, I'd imagine LOL
  10. That cell scooted offshore just as it made it this way. Oh well. Needed the rain. Maybe another cell will make it's way through.
  11. With that funnel was tennis ball hail. Lots of damage in the area. Retail store roof was broken through. OUCH!
  12. Cell moving in from the SW has hail reports with it in Duluth. Dimes n nickels. Maybe will get some of that.
  13. Funnel cloud reported just S of Rice Lake. Cell moving in my direction. Not very big tho, so not much rain expected with that one. Scattered small cells running around here.
  14. Was just going to say that 2 cells merged and are running the N end of MSP. Good downpours for them.
  15. New tornado warning up on the Iron Range. Funnel was spotted in Siren, WI. Cell still warned over Rice Lake, WI.
  16. Svr stms popped all over this aftrn. Hail up tp 2.5" so far and a brief tornado touchdown in NC MN. Wild aftn. Need some good downpours.
  17. Actually getting some rain this morning. 0.1" so far. Break out the waders
  18. Yeah it's nice. Gardeners here, tho, are having a tough time with the cooler night temps, and low dews. Even my flower garden didn't really take off until we had some 60F a.m.'s. They love the warmer, humid wx. Drought not good either, but hoping for a wetter Aug. Should be more "Dog Day" stuff with warmer, more humid wx, and rains, before Fall plunges in, in early Sept, especially Labor day week.
  19. Been hitting the low 70's briefly here the last couple days. Definitely on the cooler side. Sept skies with aftrn popcorn shwrs. No smoke, too, makes things much nicer. That sh*t is the pits.
  20. Constitution Citizens Day on Sept 17th, I'm expecting some showers, with a little thunder possible for some. It's possible some energy in the west may kick out along the boundary, riding it through our region. BTW, this day is a dual observed day for the adoption of the Constitution and those who became naturalized citizens.
  21. Yep, over me right now. Thick enough to block the Sun a bit. Nasty skies.
  22. No real issues this year my way. In town, skeeters generally not much of an issue unless you live along the woods line. Flies are the bigger deal for me, and there has been hardly a fly to be seen. Just bugs in general on the low. That includes bees. My flower garden hasn't seen one yet, and if that continues, it would be worrisome. Bee decline is a serious issue.
  23. Getting drier by the day in the northern sub. Pittance rains just not cutting it. Hoping for the wetter Aug I believe will happen, but will it be enough?
  24. Storms rolled through last night. Nice lightning show for a little while. Couple close hits. 0.34" of rain. 0.84" for the month so far. 4.10" since May 1st is well behind normal by 4.71" as of today July 10. June, and July are the peak of precip season around here, so we need to step up, or get left behind in the coming weeks.
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