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Everything posted by 40westwx

  1. I come from the school of life.. I can sniff out bs. This whole thing smells to high hell. Its about control and fear... our great grand children will be studying this period in world history as the time in which social media "crowd sourced" a pandemic by creating a snow ball that couldnt be stopped. It will be cautionary tale.
  2. yeah I saw that.. 3 feet.. it would certainly get the wisp season started!
  3. Putting someone on a ventilator who does not need it is Medical Malpractice.. plain and simple. https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2020/ventilator-use-older-coronavirus-patients.html https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200422/most-covid-19-patients-placed-on-ventilators-died-new-york-study-shows#1
  4. Now they give them steroids and tell them to roll over on there side... The hospital protocols in the early days was a one size fits all approach - if you blood oxygen level fell to a certain point, you were placed in a medically induced coma. this happened when you were all alone in the hospital with no one to advocate for you doctors in northern Italy, who made the same mistakes were telling us not to do this So many people were intubated that it got to the point where in some hospitals, there was a 1 Respiratory Therapist to 80 patients. Intubated patients were isolated, fed through feeding tubes leading out of the rooms and treatment for other illnesses like diabetes were ignored Many patients DEVELOPED kidney failure and pneumonia that didnt exist prior to hospitalization when patients crashed, nurses were told not to chest compressions.. These people died needlessly, alone and isolated from their families. Someone should be held accountable... like criminally held accountable.
  5. This makes me cry... “Never in my life have I had to ask a patient to get off the telephone because it was time to put in a breathing tube,” said Dr. Richard Levitan, who recently spent 10 days at Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan.
  6. What is nutty is this idea that we are going to somehow "contact trace" the flu.. here is your contact trace result.. EVERYONE HAS IT.. period the end.. its over. Stop killing people with ventilators.
  7. When I was exercising yesterday.. I couldnt stop thinking about how the death rate has changed so drastically since the early days in NYC... it really boggles my mind.. was it a different COVID? probably not... https://academy.esicm.org/mod/emodulepage/view.php?id=7979 https://www.dentaquestpartnership.org/system/files/The Link Between Ventilator Pneumonia and the Mouth.pdf https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04372576 And my personal favorite is the ensuing class action lawsuit: https://www.gilmanbedigian.com/ventilator-associated-pneumonia
  8. Happy thanksgiving to you too! I just put the turkey in and now I am going to hike the billy Goat Trail... such a great and challenging hike. Chasing next week.. life is good!
  9. yeah be smart... if you or someone else in your family is at high risk.. just have them stay home.. it is just common sense!
  10. Thank you supreme court for recognizing that there are some principals that truly rise above all others.
  11. Thank you Supreme Court for maintaining our constitution.
  12. lol.. contact tracing.. you do realize that everyone in world has come in contact with you within only a few degrees of separation?
  13. yup.. and all the major models have shortwaves riding through at in the 6-10 day window.. someone is gonna see their first flakes around the 5th.
  14. I am going to post this here instead of digital snow.. I know it is the 240 hour euro .. but it is a good pattern.. and we need a distraction..
  15. Did that Low give us any snow? It looked promising on TTs
  16. My last job had no microsoft foot print all.. we literally did everything with slack and google docs and gmail for business. When are people going to learn that the cloud is more secure than there archaic on prem stuff.. Every remote employee and student should just get a reimbursement for a 16 gig mac book pro.. and let them bring their own device...
  17. And this is the problem.. they send out these laptops that are connected to the network domain.. and there really is no need for it. the bcps.org email accounts are all gmail accounts.. this gets them in to google meets. They can save all their work on the associated google drive account. Meets would definitely still work today.. as long as them log in with a lap tap or phone that is not a bcps device... I have no idea why they need all of this network infrastructure.. other than it being a vulnerability to ransomware.
  18. I think Cape is my new favorite poster here!
  19. So I came too one morning a few years ago.. it was complete black out.. I had no Idea how I got home.. there was a faint memory of an uber and for some reason I remember there being an ambulance or something.. Well almost immediately after waking up I had this unbearable pain in my chest and a small read mark just to the left side of my sternum.. It was bad.. I knew something really bad happened.. but I had no recollection of what happened. a couple of weeks later ran in to a friend of mine the horse shoe and she filled me in on what happened.. I was downtown at a local establishment (no idea why or how I got there) and I must inadvertently taken something that I shouldnt have... and I literally flat lined.. they administered multiple narcans and hit me with a defibrillator.. well after several attempts to bring me back they hit me with a shot of adrenaline to the heart... they said I popped up almost just like it happened in the movie.. then the crazy thing is that I refused treatment.. they said I became combative with the paramedic and I literally got up and took an uber home...
  20. Oh yeah.. no the other scene with adrenaline shot..
  21. That pulp fiction scene actually happened to me once...
  22. WOW the corona virus is a cash cow.. I think they are expediting the vaccines because they are scared people will get bored and it will just go away.. I am also thinking the majority of people in the northeast have already been inoculated.. so they gotta do a big push for testing and vaccine to squeeze out a couple trillion more dollars on this one.. you know.. get when the gettins still good
  23. Why would we expect anything different.. the corona virus made its way through the northeast in the spring.. If you want you can pay to have more PCR cycles run on those test.. you can get more positives that way.. if you really want to.. thats what they did in some labs in Washington DC area
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