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Everything posted by 40westwx

  1. Whatever.. they will be passed along..
  2. They should just call it day and reopen everything.. we have over a million confirmed cases per week.. is anyone actually taking this seriously anymore? In other news.. someone came up with the idea to sell rotten produce under the guise of sustainability... https://www.misfitsmarket.com/ This getting better every day!
  3. You have to what a couple of more days and they will all blow from your yard the next house down... or wait til we get a good north east blow and they go back on the lazy guy's house.
  4. I have tried to sign up for american politics many many times... I never get the confirmation email. BTW.. that post was not political in any way.
  5. If pfizer is required to submit its recipe for the vaccine as part of emergency use authorization, the US Government should have a lab on stand by to clone it and start manufacturing it immediately. I am hearing stuff about "ethical distribution".. umm no.. we have the nukes.. we have the money.. we have the smartest scientists in the world. That should be our vaccine.
  6. Why would this winter suck.. the Pandemic is probably over and it is gonna snow!
  7. My gut feeling is that it kinda just goes away before that.. once we get that federal mask mandate in place.. there is an endgame
  8. My wife was complaining about censorship the other day... "what about the first amendment".. in reality they own the platform and they can do what ever they want..
  9. yup! thank god thats over.. what are they saying like 6 month or something?
  10. I am thinking it will be over in a couple of hours when they finish up Arizona and Nevada. As soon as they saw the lead changing in those states.. voting mysteriously stopped.. I think that they are just trying to get the National Guard in place throughout the country and then drop the news...
  11. I think that content moderation is on high alert because no one has made a peep about the election.. I guess people are scared.
  12. yup... Looks good in Texas!
  13. We had our first Covid related death today of someone I knew. Yesterday at around 5:00 PM the police came to our door. The neighbors around an apartment we sublet were reporting an odor. Our tenant had been dead for over a week. It is not clear as to the exact cause but the ME suspects and overdose or liver failure. This man was in recovery. Prior to COVID, he was attending daily 12 step meetings and helped countless others around him. He was an example of how to stay sober for people around him. Over the summer I spoke with him and he said that he started drinking again.. he said that while their were virtual meetings 24 hours a day, it didnt substitute for the person to person connection you get in the recovery community. He told me that several of our friends had already passed away.. now him.
  14. Best Halloween ever. The kids and I sat up on there bunk bed with the Window open and when the trick or treaters approached we served them up with sling shots.. we are still laughing about it today All the neighborhood kids loved it too.. accept the Snow White girl that got hit on the head.. but she was good sport!
  15. Nazare.. epic event today.. one of these days I gonna hop on a flight and see it for my self!
  16. Herring Run park... early 80s... we probably know each other..
  17. OMG.. Jillys? thats really sad. I have only been a handful of time but I always had such good memories.. thats a true loss for the Pikesville Community
  18. Which would lead me to believe that the 8 million confirmed cases in India and the 1% mortality rate is more like 80 million cases and 0.1% mortality.. but thats dumb dumb math..
  19. Alright I am done.. you guys can talk about microbrews again.. sorry.. I know were arent supposed to go down the covid rabbit hole here..
  20. Oh.. i thought it was only serological prevalence of Covid Antibodies that could be counted?
  21. both are valid points... but they do hold up well in the face of the data. Data that shows that more and more people are getting COVID everyday That the second spike was worse then the initial one and even on Friday, we are having more positive cases then we have ever had. Yet mortality, after the initial explosion of deaths in the beginning has been either improving or holding steady. On the surface you could argue that New York City was the cautionary tale for what happens if the virus enters a massively populated urban area prior to lockdown measure being enacted. It fits the narrative all too well... think about it.. during this time, we had a President that was saying that the Virus was the left's new Hoax and then once it was a reality he said that "Its like the flu". Due to the lack of leadership and arrogant self centered policies of those in charge, we were lead to slaughter. You cant make this shit up. But thats not what happened when we had the second waves Arizona and Florida.. shit in Florida they had Spring Break right in the middle of the onset. In the south today, many colleges and universities are having Fraternity parties and the Bars are packed. People are testing positive faster than they ever had before.. My question is this.. why is the mortality 10% of what we saw in the beginning. Why are countries like India, where much of the population lives shoulder to shoulder on top of landfills not seeing the kind of death rate that we experienced in the early days here in America. Why would anyone question the administrative one size fits all protocols of "Heroes work here" hospital systems of New York City... why should we when we have the perfect villain? And it makes sense that no one knows about what happened in New York City. When all of this was coming to light, reputable news organizations were writing stories about it.. I have read countless articles about the NYC ventilator debacle.. many from reputable news organizations like Nature, Wall Street Journal, New England Medical journal and the list goes on and on.. but none of these stories saw the light of day. This was the summer.. and if you remember, we had part two of the story come out when George Floyd was murdered.
  22. Most of the teachers want to be back in person, most of the parents want to be back in person. It is such a simple solution: if mostly everyone wants their kids back in school.. just stop paying the teachers now, take away state funding and announce a tax holiday.
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