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Everything posted by 40westwx

  1. As soon as they release him, their will be the inevitable career renaissance somewhere else.. Also.. What was the deal with the speed he was on? Did he actually have an ADHD diagnosis? Was he abusing the meds he was on at the time he was leading the league in homers? The fact that the failed drug test coincided with the slump tells me that his performance was aided by whatever he was taking.
  2. Ha! I relocated to Ocean City for the month... yesterday was epic in the water.. but not so great for sun bathing The air show on Saturday was amazing.
  3. I am in Ocean City.. are they flooding in EC? 4-6 is big..
  4. The GFS but thats in Mappy Ville
  5. Sunday's highs might not get out of the 60s for Baltimore and points north.. hopefully thats a sign of things to come. After the fourth of July every year I am completely done with the heat..
  6. Yeah I just saw this.. I am about to drive up their with the kids to check it out before we go for a swim up in loch raven..
  7. Flash Flood Watches up for virtually every one. Looks like a slow moving/ training setup
  8. David Icke on london real!! live streaming now!
  9. Okay so fortnite skins are the bane of my existence.. They are basically costumes that your player can wear and cost about $10 a piece.. some are rare and limited release. So they represent somewhat of a status symbol for the kids. You can actually sell your account for thousands of dollars based on how many skins you have. In the last 2 years I have cancelled 6 debit cards and 4 credit cards just to get my kids and women child wife to stop buying these things.. Eventually I gave up and started moonlighting to pay for them! My "meetings" are probably just as useless as the video games. I write code.. so naturally that means that I spend half of my time at work in meetings explaining to non technical people what their program can and can't do.
  10. One of the biggest issues that I face is family dynamics.. and I suspect this is a problem for others too. I have two boys - 9 and 11. In school they are angels.. one actually won an award for behavior five years in a row. At home it is more or less a shit show. Just like any boys that age, they fight and run around like maniacs. The only way I could get them to attend the daily online classes was to stand over their shoulder and watch them. Their mom is more or less just a big sister and really doesnt enforce any rules and I work two and half jobs to pay for fortnite skins. To make matters worse.. all of the online sessions came at exactly the same time as my "meetings". Standing over their shoulders was impractical in the long run and eventually they won the war of attrition and stopped logging in. A couple of my co-workers mentioned that in North Carolina there are rumors of a property tax protest if they dont open schools back up.
  11. I was in ocean city MD yesterday.. what one of the best body surfing days in a long long time. Bermuda high did its thing with some 9 second southerly swells. I did a family vacation in south Florida for the fourth of July and I forgot just how flat the water is down there. A lot of the beaches were closed, we paid for a few Catamaran/ Snorkeling trips to get out on the water. Waves beat Clear water any day of the week!!!
  12. Heading to Green Bay this weekend!!!!
  13. Why dont you guys have a corona virus thread like the other regions!?
  14. w- w- w- wait a minute here.. you kept paying for Daycare after they canceled daycare?
  15. Are there any Bars open anywhere in the country?
  16. I was referring to the "tyranny of the majority debate".. freshman year at Hopkins as IR majors we had to write essays on this. IDK why that popped in my head.. but there is something bout this Corona Virus that reminded me of that.
  17. IMHO The biggest difference btw this year vs 2009 is Twitter. Sure they had it back then.. but it is no where near the beast it has become today in the global pandemic scenario. Social media platforms have become an extremely powerful tool to form public opinion and to set the course for what is right and what is wrong.. and most importantly.. it provides a shaming platform for those that don't conform. 2009 (US): Deaths‎: ‎18,449 (lab-confirmed deaths)... Cases‎: ‎1,632,710 (lab confirmed). it is a close second.. and probably a lot closer than those number indicate given the difference in the total overall number of tets that have been performed (mainly as a tool for postmortem analysis). In otherwords, it was probably very easy to miss a Swine Flu death in 2009... however, you are not gonna miss a Corona Virus death in 2020.
  18. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/05/05/coronavirus-newsom-slams-northern-california-counties-as-making-a-big-mistake-for-opening-restaurants-gyms-salons-and-spas/ It is interesting how we see Executive Powers being trumped (no pun intended) by State's right, and now states being trumped by localities.
  19. Have you ever read Democracy in America (Tocqueville)... it is pretty crazy how accurate the prediction was.. It took a couple hundred years, a reality TV star as president and twitter.. but we finally made it!
  20. This thread took a nose dive today. I wouldnt want to be in your shoes @mappy
  21. A lot of times.. I need to read your posts over and over again to try and understand what they mean. But I cannot.. can you explain?.. I want to understand you better
  22. Its true.. this is the story of the haves and have nots. in the global pandemic scenario, It seems like the more money you make.. them less essential your jobs is..
  23. Well of course the risk always existed.. but we never viewed it as a risk. I recommend watching the Pandemic documentary on Netflix. It was made before COVID-19 and it goes in depth in to the efforts made by public health officials every year to monitor flu outbreaks. It was very eye opening. They actually have consortiums of hospitals that get on Conference Calls every morning to report status... I really think if people knew that hundreds of thousands of people die every year of the flu..something like this might have happened already. Especially since our society is entering in to a period of altruism.
  24. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3291398/ "fatality rates were >2.5%, compared to <0.1% in other influenza pandemics. Total deaths were estimated at ≈50 million (5–7) and were arguably as high as 100 million" We debated it greatly.. but we are probably looking at 0.25% - 0.5% rate with COVID-19
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