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Everything posted by NW_of_GYX

  1. 12z GFS gets you in on the fun. Unfortunately its the 12z GFS.
  2. Saddleback reporting 5" -- nice surprise pow day for the 3 people who are there I bet!
  3. Not showing up on radar but light snow in rangeley. Half inch of fluff overnight in town, Saddleback is claiming 3”. Wintery appeal is back for now.
  4. In rangeley today, flipped to snow for a while about an hour ago. Back to drizzle now.
  5. nice t-storm just rolled through here.
  6. All in good fun here, but you’re proving my point! We’re on the same team, let’s get one more snow event before it’s all said and done. Climo is on our side.
  7. Your model run flipping is as bad as any poster on here. Relax and enjoy your 4" of slop while it's 70 degrees in the MA.
  8. Made a last minute decision to take the day off and head into the alpine. Booted up Right gully and ascended the snowfields and then descended via snowfields and sluice. Wind was blowing near 50 consistently once we topped out of the bowl but it was above 40 degrees as we approached 6000’. Summit may have set a record temp today. Skiing was good but skipped the corn cycle and went right to mash potatoes. Like another poster said, there is very little snow in the alpine. Lower headwall is almost out. Looks like a week or so of snow preservation but hoping for a few late season elevation events.
  9. Ya it’s probably my bias but just doesn’t look that way
  10. I was in Bethel today and man what a snowhole that place has been this year. I've got noticeably more snow OTG at my place 25 miles south. I've come to like my location for snow in Southern Maine. Often times we capitalize on whiffs further north, and in the gradient systems we're on the right side more often than not. I'm lazy and haven't checked my snow depth after the thaw but eyeballing I'm still pretty close to 15" of glacier. Local snowmobiling still looks good too. Noticed quite a few people out today.
  11. Ya I have no way to confirm that but even at 100k-150k visits it's gotta be hard to make money. They've build a bit of a reputation during the years they were closed ironically and maybe can capitalize on the growth in "resort touring" but those aren't the skiers you make money on. Prior to the closure I can remember going there and it was just a magnate for young skiers like myself who weren't spending a dime there beyond the price of the ticket if they were even paying for that. I would go there and run into like 5 people I knew every time and none of us were paying full price. You just can't make money in the ski industry if your core customer base are skiers like me lol
  12. I was told Saddleback's business plan assumed 200k-300k skier visits a year. I would be surprised if they do more than 100k this year. I love skiing there, but don't see how it works out long term. Industry rumor is that even Loaf has been a ball and chain on Boyne for many years. I love Greenville and Moosehead Lake area but that's 100% sled country and is totally a haul to get there from anywhere and get's most of its traffic from Augusta/Bangor/Waterville corridor which is just not big enough of a metro area to support a major ski resort. I've actually enjoyed the setup they've had for a number of years now with access to the upper mountain via earn-your turns. Reliable cold also makes for a hidden gem region for nordic skiing.
  13. Went for a ski tour to Hojo’s and little head wall today. Snowed all day except for a brief period of sleet around 2 pm. Maybe 5” above 2500’. Heavy snow at Pinkham right now.
  14. he's falsely interpreting the dense spruce slopes of the whites from 2k-4k feet as no snow.
  15. Obviously a long way out so usual caveats apply but there seems to be some model agreement for a moderate QPF event Saturday night into Sunday. Looks to be borderline ptype which I don't hate for my location at this range. Both 12z GFS and euro then show a similar evolution for 3/1. These both have that look where ski country cashes in with a sharp gradient to the south. Anyway, glad to see things looking active the next 7-10 days. As lots of NNE posters have said, give us the QPF first, worry about temps later.
  16. For you sure. I'll take a few days in the 40s in early March to melt some snow off the eaves.
  17. They haven't handled any of these SW systems well. I'll believe it when I see within 24 hours at this point. Same reason I'm not buying d10 temp anomalies.
  18. I'm just not seeing this full blown torch that everyone here is convinced about. Some highs in the 40's sure.
  19. You know the models look bad when this thread is just a bunch NNE posters taking about how much it used to snow.
  20. That's about as strong a signal as we've seen for Maine this season. Would like to that low further east in the Gulf though. Plenty of time for that to ride over Tamarack's head or out to sea. We all know what happens with d7 jacks.
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