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Everything posted by clskinsfan

  1. Pretty big difference in the how amped the system is as well. The Euro and GFS are almost identical in the HP placement and strength. The Euro has a more amped shortwave.
  2. Southern Shenandoah Valley. Makes sense though. Elevation and precip max right through that area.
  3. The PSU storm on the 20th is alive and well on both the GFS and the Euro. Looks amazing actually.
  4. Snows out here for almost 50 hours. Yeah. Its not a monster bomb. But 2 days worth of light snow all powder would be a perfect end to this horrid drought.
  5. Overnight and early morning Sunday is the sweet stuff. But we already would have had light snow for 12 hours before that. Great run!
  6. The GFS is just juicy. Out to 90 on IWM and we are going to get hit hard.
  7. I am gonna hit my 5000th post in the lead up to this storm. That has to be good for an extra couple of inches? Considering I hardly post here in the summer. That is a hell of a lot of winter IMBY posts.
  8. Speak for yourself. I want to see it as amped as it can get. I will take my chances with a 1040 HP in perfect position over the top.
  9. Waiting for the first board crash of the storm. My guess is tomorrow evening runs
  10. Laugh if you want but the 18Z Euro looks like the NAM. It would be a big hit IMO.
  11. The FV3 is how we get crushed out this way. Most concerning thing would be the dryslot. And if the FV3 is right there would be a nasty one somewhere over VA.
  12. First chance I have had to look at the 12Z runs. The Euro is encouraging to say the least. There is still room for heartbreak though. Any more push from the NE and we are out of the game. I would expect someone on that northern edge to get some banding though. And yes. It doesnt take a rocket scientist (or a meteorologist) to extrapolate the 18z NAM into a crush job. Feeling pretty good about this one. Especially for the southern Shenandoah Valley.
  13. Thing is that is really close to a ridiculously good pattern for us. Move that blocking a little bit north and we are the ones getting blasted. It is way too early to know exactly where that blocking will set up. And it will move around a little as well. When it relaxes we get smoked as well. If I have my choice of that pattern or the hell we have been sitting in the past six weeks I am taking that every single time.
  14. It does look like it wants to drop a little bit of NS energy in. That would help a ton. Of course it is the NAM at 84.
  15. The Euro and IKON had the same thing on last nights run. Seems we are coming to a bit of an agreement that the NS isnt going to help with this one. We need to hope that the vort is as strong as possible at this point.
  16. The FV3 looks really interesting with the follow up storm on the 19th as well. Fun times ahead.
  17. Man. First chance I had to look at the FV3. What a beatdown. And it would stick around for a while. It also has a repeat a few days later. What a run.
  18. We dont have the brick wall of confluence sitting in the middle of PA. I think it is almost guaranteed that we see some snow at this point. We just dont know if its going to be a dusting or a foot. All of the models give us snow in some way though.
  19. I was glad to see some NS involvement on this run. The ICON totally lost that at 0Z. I dont know what to expect with the news out there about the GFS lacking data. But that was a hell of a run.
  20. Yeah. I am looking at the crappy IWM maps and it never closed off at 500 that I could see.
  21. The GFS has a much more vigorous wave because the western ridge isnt closed off as it ejects. It is a great run for us. Snowing hard out here at 9Z Sunday. Nice hit for RIC pretty much all day Sunday.
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