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Everything posted by TJW014

  1. My guess is, we get a good thump initially. We transition over to some rain, preferably light, and we dry out soon after, leaving about an inch or two of slop. A good 6" is all I'm asking for this winter. Probably not with this one, but eventually we'll get something.
  2. I remember going on a trip to the city the day after. This was when I was little. I think I remember it was about 6 inches of slush, right?
  3. By April, I want it in the 60s and 70s. My luck though, it'll be 40s and 50s with rain up to mid-May
  4. Beautiful sunset this evening. Reminds me of one I took in Florida over during Christmas. 71 here. A shame its gonna drop to the 40s tomorrow
  5. A good sunrise to start a beautiful day, and a great sunset to end this beautiful day. High of 71
  6. I think it might be that SSW flow that is bringing the slightest breeze off the ocean.
  7. Good question. Multiple stations around that area were reporting over 55 degrees via Weather Underground. I think it might be that the AC Pier Station is over the water. Or, just poorly placed sensors.
  8. For me, 60 IS cold. 70 is comfortable, and 85 is "just warm". Yet, I refuse to buy a winter jacket. Last week, I was in shorts and a sweatshirt. I refuse to wear "warm" clothing even though I'm freezing.
  9. I want to know how that happened, and if it's pretty common. Mesmerizing to watch.
  10. Very off-topic question here, but could someone explain what this is on satellite? https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/exper/?parms=subregional-Bermuda-07-200-1-25-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  11. Awesome sunrise this morning! I only now realized that I had the wrong ISO setting (It was on 3200 instead of 100) and there was quite a bit of "noise", which I tried to get rid of.
  12. So nice out, I think I'm gonna lay on the roof and work on a tan! Sun feels great!
  13. About 1.5 inches on the ground here. Just got back from a drifting session in the parking lot.
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