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Everything posted by JakkelWx

  1. 3 mb weaker though and it looks like the transfer will happen sooner.
  2. Please take the images out when quoting long posts. Thank you
  3. Does the NAM usually trend colder as it gets closer? Since we have an ideal block and 50/50 it would seem so, and given the lower resolution of at-range NAM.
  4. Much smaller storm but I remember temps in the teens with single digits after that snow w/full sun in Feb 2015.
  5. It's never gonna snow again. What made you think we were ever gonna get more than a flake and a half from the Monday system? Or this winter?
  6. I'm well aware that I ain't getting 20 inches. Most of the time I get around a foot or a little less and places west get crushed. Happens 90 percent of the time. So I have no reason to worry about that post
  7. 6 feet snow drifts coming to D.C. My own personal private weather model shows 3 feet of snow in just 6 hours from RIC - NE MD, then dryslots at 75 degrees for a couple mins before switching over to acid rain.
  8. It's gonna go right back to yesterday's 12z run with 4 feet of snow just S of D.C
  9. Mean of 6 inches here. The best i've seen so far
  10. This is exactly what we needed.
  11. When people are tossing the "worst" looking model relatively speaking, and it still shows a general 4-8 with 12'' lollies, you know this is legit
  12. you're right, that's what she said
  13. Look how wet it is off the coast. Perhaps we could argue that it trends at least a good bit wetter on guidance as the king's ensembles have been consistently more amped over the past day or so. And that's only 144
  14. So was it a Becky C or a Chuck D?
  15. great improvement on the GEFS (late to the party here so feel free to delete if this doesn't belong).
  16. Temperature is just shy of 42 degrees. Last 40 degree or higher high until probably next week
  17. Haven't looked at the NC subforum model in a while.
  18. Doesn't the euro use data from Japan soundings as part of their data? Heard it somewhere
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