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Everything posted by coolio

  1. My gauge read 1.06 this morning. Looking outside it may have been absorbed quickly. Doesn't look like 1". Either that or the squirrels have been taping on my station outside.
  2. Before someone cries: Drought! I see mainly non-precip days in the near future. I like it!
  3. Anyone foresee any problems with a flight out of National tonight at 8?
  4. PM'd you on this. TL;DR: TBH, IMHO, IDK and RN.
  5. With the low temps predicted, this won't "pop". Just generalized slow soakers. South may be where the action is.
  6. My observations: It just looked like it was one rickety bridge. Went down easy. Can't believe they got it on video. I think I read that the captain of the boat knew that is was out of power and hard to control with plenty of minutes before impact. Why not drop the anchor?
  7. I remember a few years ago we had this kind of warm-up in January. You run or bike under those road underpasses and it's cold for one brief moment. It's like the cold is hiding and planning its comeback.
  8. I hope it's 1". All the models I saw last night had this event approaching 2".
  9. Rain/snow dome is full effect inside the beltway.
  10. Had to go to Burke on Sunday and I could tell they've gotten a lot of rain. Branches were so overgrown you couldn't see the road signs.
  11. Pretty torrential for about 5-10 mins. Seems to be moving fast.
  12. Someone done goofed at the SPC. There was not a Severe T'storm warning for this afternoon. Wha happened? Picked up 1.43" in about 45 mins.
  13. ABF: Another blown forecast.
  14. OPM told all feds to depart by 3pm. I've never seen this for a line of storms. Is this a derecho? OPM Home - OPM.gov
  15. Hoping everyone made it through ok. I just got my power restored. Almost 24hrs w/o power. Got 1.03" in about 20 minutes. Rainfall @ 3"/min. Other than some branches down, Trees around here are ok.
  16. Last night/morning green radar only netted me .12".
  17. Radar shows that I'm enveloped in greens and yellows, but nary a drop inside the beltway.
  18. This one packed a strong, early punch. Picked up .93" in 15 minutes. Then it slowed down. Total=1.08"
  19. Picked up a quick .22 in S. Arlington.
  20. I was in that. Pretty strong. picked up 1.91" in an hour IMBY.
  21. Looking out to VA from the National Harbor. This was about 3:30 today.
  22. To the west of the FFX Falls church cell. Hear lots of thunder, but no big rain yet. just .06 and slowing down for the past 20 mins.
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