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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. That’s a nice column of Snow from SW to NE
  2. @ShawnEastTN is it doing anything? Haven’t seen him on either, must be sharing a beer with Holston.
  3. I headed out to get smokes beer or should I just call 911.
  4. Now the weather channel app has me at 1-3 inches from nothing
  5. Good luck, they are as conservative as they come.
  6. My confusion started with the models, so they went with 4 models and all 3 Hr models were golden then they post that. Very confusing to the general public lol
  7. My thoughts exactly, I’ve never seen one with that detailed breakdown.
  8. Ugggggh, already starting to rain here. Didn’t need an early start
  9. NWS taking their sweet time with Discussion lol
  10. Oh and BTW I love seeing your posts, I can’t wait to see the latest gif or Meme
  11. I just looked they changed mine to 3-6 inches...... Lock it and give me a pack of smokes!
  12. I remember this well as a 12 year old, we had major ice as well, probably the worst ice storm I’ve ever seen
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