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Everything posted by RevWarReenactor

  1. For all of those who constantly have this NE MD jealously thing going on. We've been getting completely hosed in comparison to the rest of the sub forum. We watched with 2.4 inches while everyone else did better with the early January storm. We essentially missed all the storms this week that hit Western areas.
  2. YOu got to be careful here. For me: First event= 0 Second event= Flurries Third Event=1.2 inches. So thats is more like barely 1 event. I am technically 3 miles away from the subforum limit, but I speak for many in the subforum.
  3. Its kind of amazing how society has evolved. Rewind to 2007 in the Easternwx days, and meltdowns where common and highly welcome when winter got bad. Panic and pessimism about reality was highly encouraged. Today everyone needs a safe space from it. Anything negative, no matter how much it represents reality, is somehow very very offensive!!! I really think it is just a change in our culture. A negative one IMO.
  4. Man the 6z GFS looks like torch and one rainstorm after another. This year reminds me a lot of 2001-2002. I think that was the year that the pattern everyone kept waiting for, never appeared.
  5. It looks like the entire line just broke apart east of 95 You can't make this stuff up.
  6. Up in Newark I am at only 6.5. I think the early January storm was a bit better down here in Harford (I work at APG)
  7. Yeah, I think it was annoying because it did go over to snow for a little bit, around 3pm-4pm ish, so it seemed like it was smooth sailing from there. But then back to rain. I am a bit sick of the fail.
  8. Yeah, we got hosed. CWG said 1-3 inches. With a boom of 3-5 We literally got nothing.
  9. I think we will do better today than we did yesterday. Its pretty easy to beat nothing.
  10. Here it is 747pm, and it is legit raining in Delaware. Not even close to being cold enough for snow. What happened here? Why is this warm air holding on so strong?
  11. Nothing but rain here in Delaware. Maybe a couple flakes in. I wasn't expecting much, but I wasn't expecting a complete fail.
  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but this was never suppose to be snow at this point. If its a few hours from now and still raining, okay. But it was always going to start as rain. Still, set expectations at about an inch. That's all this ever was for the cities.
  13. HRRR looks great on precip if temps work. Doesn't look to shutoff until 7 or 8pm.
  14. Temps are a huge problem. I don't see how this is anything more than a last minute rain changing to snow with a dusting to an inch.
  15. The RGEM is ugly. not even close to anything. Meanwhile the GFS is amazing. I don't really know what to believe at this point.
  16. I am just glad to hear upstate NY is getting 6-10 inches out of this one. They need to freshen up that 2 feet of snowpack they already have.
  17. 2-3 inches would be good. 4 inches a huge win An inch or less would be stupid. I'd rather have nothing. At this point, I don't know what to expect.
  18. If you pause that NAM depiction, looks like about a 3-4 hour thump of snow after the changeover. I hope its right.
  19. I feel like there is still a chance that something could break right for us prior to the torch. We are well overdue for something to break right. Really a lot of storms can show up late in the game if the potential is there. 2015 is coming to mind that a 6-8 snowstorm showed up about 48 hours before it happened.
  20. Locally this winter isn't so bad. But when taking into account all of the I-95 corridor it is historically horrible. Hasn't Philly to NYC only had like maybe 2 inches total for the year?
  21. Well you are kind of cherrypicking my post there just a little.
  22. I think you have the wrong impression of me. It actually doesn't really take all that much to appease me. One good storm and I am good. Even after the 10 inches DC got, I kind of laughed at the complaints as being ridiculous. But the reason I am so negative, is because the truth is, there has literally been nothing to be positive about. Not just this year, but for like 4 years now. I mean, essentially nothing. I've tried to think positive, that we still have 6 more weeks of winter and things could turn around....you are absolutely correct. But honestly, how many times have we done that now only to get fooled by it? How many times have we said "this will turn around" and it doesn't. It just never turns around.
  23. It isn't the "no sticking around" that bothers me. Its that during the storm itself, you will waste a ton of precip with melting, even if it is below freezing. Light snow produces little if any accumulation (even on snowpack). Streets will only be slushy and will melt off very quickly. A lot needs to go right for March snow anyway. Last year were 2 nice March storms up here, and while I did enjoy them, they were different. Not ideal and it really sucked knowing they'd have been a lot better had they happened a month earlier.
  24. This is the banter thread. Instead of having a legit discussion on the reality of our situation, all you want to do is troll me. Thats on you, not me.
  25. Yeah, but climo says average DC Feb snowfall is about 4-5 inches. That is average. Quite a few years, with traces, half an inch. An inch or two. So I am not saying Feb is not the "snowiest" month. I am saying, expectations need to be set certain places.
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