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Everything posted by Vice-Regent

  1. Or just cut our losses. We've done it before and it may not be optional .... was never a viable option ever throughout history. This is our turn to witness the savage inrush of the obscene.
  2. Someone of your caliber would never succumb to such linear thinking. With that said I assumed that you were pro status quo. Quid pro quo. If you are on board then that gives me hope for the future.
  3. The only region of the US that is flattening the curve is probably NYC because they started so early.
  4. I always figured you were more conservative. Good for you man there are some good things to say about you now that we see your true colors. With that said Democracies and Capitalism don't blend well. It's really an odd blend yet it's the normative state. Dog eat Dog and Equality don't blend well.
  5. Again just east wins. Prevailing trend of the season thus far.
  6. It's effectual in so far as prolonging the life of someone who is chronically sick but has done nothing in terms of raising or extending the maximum life expectancy for the individual. Hope it makes more sense now The world is not always what we want it to be unless you understand reality and can begin to shift it to your will.
  7. A true beast that will go down in the books as a devastating masterpiece.
  8. I am a skilled observer of imperfections and problems. Don't blame the messenger.
  9. Anything new in hell world? I thought so.
  10. We are good at being good at everything. Mid-Atlantic is large and in charge.
  11. I read that COVID transmission in the outside environment is highly dependent on weather conditions. Interesting considering this is a wx forum.
  12. Ecuador and France are not reporting. That's probably 20% of all cases missing .... unreal outbreaks in those countries.
  13. If nothing else too conservative ... this will be around for a long time. It will be an extended struggle.
  14. Let's prioritize the coming global famine if and when possible.
  15. These will work better for you.
  16. People see Michael Moore and they run for the hills.
  17. Back in the days of old it would of been a blood bath and whoever survives rules the Earth indefinitely going forward. I suspect we may be going there ...again regrettably. The liberal classes are kind of an artifact of civilization. It's always been the case.
  18. I was only coming here to be entertained by the semantic liberals. This is way better than CNN. Like how owning a Volvo could be so insightful. Liberals are low maintenance
  19. Except for the fact that everyone in here gets 33 and rain. We don't want that garbage.
  20. It's not up to you. Sorry but no .. you will be arrested and contained if you break lock-down. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
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