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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. Lightning from the cell near Errol is visible from Sebago lake this evening, pretty neat
  2. That whole line that's forming looks tasty
  3. Great write-up; appropriate caveats conveyed. Let's goooo
  4. .98; finally signed up for cocorahs too
  5. I'm trying to spread the clover on my lawn; in fact I wish my entire lawn was clover. Nice, hearty green that's essentially drought resistant. It keeps the grass that's inter-mingled nice and healthy, too. The honey bees love it as well. Win-win-win.
  6. That was visible down in Wells, ME. Checked the radar and was surprised. Expected it to be much closer.
  7. 75/65 Dews feel good, a nice change even. Helps that they'll be short-lived.
  8. Just let it go. What is this, year 4? The weeds aren't going to lose this battle. All you're going to do is dump even more chemicals directly into the Portland-area drinking water supply.
  9. Thankfully, here in the Portland area that mentality is already starting to shift. People are becoming aware of the major impact fertilizers and pesticides are having on Casco Bay, its ecosystems, and the health of our populations. In some neighborhoods, if you're the one with the monochrome-green lawn with 0 weeds then you're in the minority...AND even laughed at and looked down upon as an inconsiderate menace to the environment.
  10. https://twitter.com/MaineRangers/status/988846563505000448?s=20
  11. How close was that fire to you today?
  12. The public drinking water sources and local coastal waterways thank you in advance for your heavy of use fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
  13. My chuckle was more around Ray getting the label of General Public. Feels like he's deserving of more just based on his dedication, but there's no other appropriate bucket for him. Side note: do you know why the reporting from the PWM ASOS site is inconsistent in terms of when you all report it?
  14. And we're not done yet, still piling up. You're gonna have an epic Maine week...
  15. Yup. Deep winter out here, nice moderate snow pasting everything. 32.5F 14.6" @ 6AM.
  16. Congrats on an incredible week/first season. You're a NE weeenie for life now
  17. Ah, it was filed under Cumberland County. I see someone has moved it...
  18. @Lava Rock. Someone in Raymond reporting 22" to NWS. Hmmm
  19. Yup, you can see the heavier band in York county, east of the death band, trying to link up with heavier band coming on shore SE of Augusta.
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