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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. My boy snagged an absolute hog this AM. Guessing 5lbs
  2. don't forget to throw one of these in each storage unit https://www.amazon.com/Boveda-62-Percent-2-Way-Humidity-Control/dp/B00JV27MF4?th=1 keep it fresh until next season
  3. Sorry about that. I might have helped cause the KGW. I popped into Bissell after work and noticed a bald middle aged man on his phone at the bar. Thought he looked familiar so I gave his phone a quick glance and saw this website. Yankees polo shirt and audible ramblings about "dews" helped confirm. I sent a flight his way and skipped out before he noticed. Beer ye beer ye.
  4. sounds like everyone waited until today (which I get - people have busy lives). PowderBeard was saying 0 action yesterday.
  5. Pretty sure I saw that Acadia is going to be closing on Saturday. And the CAT Ferry hasn't run out of Portland for like 10 years.
  6. Of course, but they don't always over react and slam the grocery store and gas stations at the first mention of it.
  7. Nappi? that guy is a marble-mouthed-moron. arguably the worst in the market. ha, I'm talking about up here. surprised you still had it out after last (non) winter.
  8. I think if westward trends had continued it'd be a different story. Even so, the media hasn't been overblowing it, and Mainers are more hardy and self sufficient compared to SNE (not the posters here, just in general). We've dealt with winds like this before - albeit without full sets of leaves and saturated ground. I'll be interested to see if anyone with waterfront property is making preparations.
  9. surf's up at Higgins. can't wait to go get abused by those waves after work.
  10. Between those two things, coast is going to get rocked. Inland too, just minus the surf. Seems like with the eastern ticks the general public is thinking their out of the woods. More Allens, B&M Beans, and canned brown bread for me.
  11. Seems that way. In a way, that's good - we don't need the panic, but people should absolutely be putting their prep plans in place today or tomorrow, assuming there aren't any big shifts east. Aside from power outages and inland flash flooding, my biggest concern is surge/beachfront erosion and flooding. These tidal rivers will fill up fast and there are a lot of houses right along them, especially down this way where we don't have the added elevation of rocky river shores like mid-coast and downeast. We're all mud flats.
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