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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. That looks awesome! I almost feel hungry again and I ate not too long ago! And a "traditional Thanksgiving" is what you make of it, really, that's all that should matter. I hope you all had a good one!!!
  2. Glad you stopped by and put these people right! Whew! Be glad you missed some of the things shown there earlier, including the infamous Vienna sausages and Spaghetti-Ohs! And I'm sure you appreciate only the best sausage, eh? (apologies...sort of!...on the double-entendre there, seems RR took control of the keyboard!)
  3. I'll try not to get overly political in here, and will only say that I strongly disagree.
  4. Reminds me of that "Seinfeld" episode where they realize Kramer isn't wearing any underwear... Jerry: Don't you see what's goin' on here? No boxers, no Jockeys... (Elaine backs away from Kramer, disgusted) Jerry: The only thing between him and us is a thin layer of gabardine...Kramer, say it isn't so. Kramer: Oh, it be so. (Jerry turns his head in disgust) Kramer: I'm out there, Jerry, and I'm lovin' every minute of it.
  5. Destroying weenie snow hopes since...oh, hell, whatever century!
  6. Can we add a "WTF?!" button to the emoji list, or as one of the reactions for posts??
  7. Whew! Well, that's good to know! I did hear that the "Marrow"vingians might be immune, too! At least, that was a rather "Frank" assessment!
  8. Quite impressive on the outdoor improvements to the Panic Room! I await the disco room, which should be hoppin' this year! (ETA: Yeah, they're not wearing masks nor are they socially distanced! Probably not good to be scapula-to-scapula like that!)
  9. Change "NAM" to "DGEX" or "CRAS" and you're spot on!!
  10. OK, somehow that looks like a meal bizarro-world @Mrs.J might concoct (or she'd have to be high on acid)!! (with all due respect, Mrs. J, all in humor here!)
  11. Ha! That might be difficult. However, a BLT sandwich with fine champagne is actually quite a good pairing!
  12. Ha, that seems to be our problem all too often! But nice to see something interesting out there at least. Good to see you Stormtracker, hope all is well!
  13. Indeed...that only makes it *worse*!!
  14. Vienna sausages and spaghetti-Os is a bit too far just by itself!
  15. Oh...no, no, no...you did NOT! You DID! Such desecration of bacon shall not be tolerated!! Spam, on the other hand...(spam, spam, spam, spam, SPAM! Wonderful spam! Thank you, Monty Python!)
  16. My cue for paying attention to LR snow chances is 10 weeks after Ji cancels winter for the10th time for the upcoming season. So yeah, it's getting close!
  17. Just don't bring back that Vienna sausage and Spaghetti-Ohs dish that you put up in here this past spring! Oh, sh*t, now I've done it!
  18. Very twisted for sure! But a good movie.
  19. I'm doing fine overall, thanks! Just hanging in!!! Can't believe it's Thanksgiving next week.
  20. Looks like that turkey is wearing a Bishop's miter!!
  21. Kinda agree, in general...as long as it's not a "one and done" kind of deal, if the rest of winter is at least OK too. You're right, there's nothing like a HECS, tracking it days in advance and then experiencing it as it occurs! For instance, the excitement before the Jan. 2016 blizzard was awesome, almost better than the storm itself (well, I won't go that far!). A week out, the Saturday before it hit, all the models locked onto something significant. It was just a matter of refining the details after that. I got almost nothing done that week leading into it, awaiting the latest guidance each cycle. And then...zero hour and the storm began! Similar feeling for the other HECS events I have experienced in my time here over the years. That said, a winter like 2013-14 was quite something to behold, even as it lacked an actual HECS.
  22. OK, so let's go the other way... (1) A winter like last year, with one really small event that you would have missed if you sneezed. But with the enticing prospect of perhaps *something* on the horizon and even some cold air incursions to give a winter feel. or (2) An all-out true shutout, where it's late fall most every day and really no chance of any event at all. Oh, and even with the warmth, no mosquitos as the crisp nighttime temperatures would have killed them off at least!
  23. I know...greedy, eh? Hoping for three of the area's best storms ever to hit here in one season. It would make 2009-10 look like an amateur (well, that's a bit overstated, yeah)! That would wreak havoc on the Reaper's business I'm sure!
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