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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. Now, now...let's not get political in here!
  2. You'd need serious polydactyly of both hands to count them all!
  3. Thumbs up for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" reference...always appreciate that!!
  4. Well, there's always Jobu. Just don't drink his rum...is very bad!!
  5. The Lord of the Winter, I: The Fellowship of the Mid-Atlantic The Lord of the Winter, II: The Two Phased Vorts The Lord of the Winter, III: Return of the Chill!
  6. It could be a "thread the needle" thread!! First rule of the Thread Club is to not mention what thread it is?? (Feel free to...uhhh...spin a good yarn, as it were! *Ducks after lousy pun!*)
  7. Hope this isn't too much banter or sounding overly political (given the situation!)...but I hope you're doing OK over there right in DC. Lived near Capitol Hill for years before moving to where I'm at now in MD, so I can imagine how crazy it must be.
  8. Anything in particular (mid-levels??) that trashes the BL thermals? Or is the antecedent airmass just so marginal or worse to begin with? ETA: Just saw @psuhoffman's comment above, I guess that pretty well explains it!
  9. Thank you for responding (to Ji) with exactly the sentiment I wanted to express! Though your wording is perhaps more diplomatic than what I had in mind!
  10. I notice that in my place when there's cloud cover for any length of time (like most of yesterday and today). Can get relatively cool inside when that happens, even with radiator heat. On the other hand, when it's clear...the way this building is situated the sun comes right in during late afternoon and it can get quite warm at times. So yeah, messing with the heat levels to accommodate isn't something I care to do much, either.
  11. Wear a mask...help STOP the spread!!
  12. Hopefully a debate that was over in short order after scanning what's in the liquor cabinet! Cheers!!
  13. I know, right?? Came in here and thought it was a continuation of 2020 or something...
  14. We need a true - JiP (negative Ji post) for really big snows around here.
  15. Don't know... It might be fleeting and not very 1996-like?
  16. Seeing that my lower back went out on me (again!) right on Christmas Eve, at this point I could give f*ck-all about how many cutters we get in the next couple of weeks! That's not really aimed at you, just a convenient place to throw that in there! Sucks...I've had semi-chronic issues with the lower back for several years, a lot of that my fault by lifting things the wrong way without paying attention, that sort of thing (use your knees more when lifting, and tighten your core, dammit!! LOL!). Then all it takes is one little move when it's somewhat weakened by such activities, and...*wham!!** it essentially charley-horses on me and takes a couple or so days to "un-knot" itself. So yeah, I should be more cognizant of how I lift things, and I'm reminded that I should keep up with the exercises I should be doing to keep it in decent shape! But...that all said, that did not ruin the holiday for me!! Oh, and I agree with you...even in a year such as this, there is some joy at this time of year all the same, and hope for the upcoming year! Part of the Holiday music listening included a CD we have called "Festival of Carols", a compilation of Christmas carols as conducted by Robert Shaw (thought you would appreciate that!)...perhaps my favorite!
  17. Happy Christmas, everyone!! May you all find peace and joy today, and better things to look toward heading into 2021!!
  18. Yeah, we can call it "Cutters! Cutters Everywhere!"
  19. Streaming high clouds from this afternoon...
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