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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. Ahhh, thank you for taking our minds off that abomination posted earlier! And thankfully, no Vienna sausages or Spaghetti-os involved!!
  2. I cannot wait to hear what she would have to say about that..."recipe"!! (Then hopefully post a photo of something really good!)
  3. I just...no, not going there... There are no words!
  4. As a Fed myself, you pretty well said what I wanted to say...much more effectively and succinctly! Thanks! (ETA: Well, the quote of your comment starred-out the "F" bomb for some reason, but anyhow!)
  5. Wow, can you be more insulting, smug, and trollish to a large number of people? And "real Americans", are you kidding me? Like only certain people are?
  6. Only thing surprising about the comment is that @ravensrule didn't make it first!
  7. Well, being part Bastard-Irish myself (that's Scots-Irish to most people!), I approve!
  8. Quite the fine looking three-some!
  9. No longer Russian...but now Irish!!
  10. As always...thanks for the updates!!
  11. This is very true. My cynical side says that concern for those in poverty or on the low end of the wage scale only shows up when it affects those financially much better off (and the companies that hire the workers). Such as during this COVID emergency. And even then, it's only a tacit acknowledgement. NOW there's concern, because businesses are losing money or supplies are short...with a "voice" of concern for those who cannot work due to shut downs. Yet no concern for living wage, sick leave, etc., in relatively better times. And even now, in this current situation...there are apparently some states contemplating that they will "require" certain industries to re-open, while stating that those employees who are nervous about going back and refuse, will be deemed as "voluntarily" not working. And they will thus be ineligible for unemployment benefits. That is truly sh*tty and back-handed. Really low. So yeah, where's the "concern" for those who are having it the roughest economically?
  12. Good thinking. My brother has a big freezer in his basement and does something similar. He's gone to a local butcher (in the Cleveland area) who sells stuff in bulk or large quantities, pre-cut. So for instance he can get fillets or chicken breasts and the like for relatively cheaper than you'd buy in the store, but he buys a lot of them. He vacuum packs and freezes that, and it keeps quite awhile in that freezer.
  13. Well, I was going to say maybe that purple beer is in honor of Prince, but it could be the Ravens too!
  14. Good snark and humor are fine arts these days!! Thanks for that!! Too FEW people seem to understand how our lives are LESS fulfilling without that!
  15. So in other words...he was pretty far off!! Well, except for the 'shrooms!
  16. ...or FEWER, for that matter!!!
  17. I'm glad what I said was tangentially relevant! (Ducks for cover after a bad math pun...!)
  18. Ha! For some reason, the incorrect use of "fewer" vs. "more" has always somewhat bothered me, and I'm guilty of it myself at times. Even in supermarket checkout lines, "12 items or less", should really be "fewer"...though I get they're probably just trying to be short about it. I've always heard you should use "fewer" for a discrete, integer number ("there are fewer people..."), and "less" for a non-integer or non-discrete value, or an abstract idea ("I payed less money for gas this past week", or "There is less confusion..."). Sorry to be off-topic and a bit pedantic here!
  19. Oh hell yeah! Now that looks tasty and sufficiently unhealthy! I myself am making a split pea soup today using leftover ham bone from Easter for the broth. (There's the old joke about what's the definition of eternity? Two people and a ham!)
  20. Suddenly, a variant of that Mary Poppins song went through my head... Feed the trolls, tuppence a bag! Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag! But why even waste that little on trolls!
  21. I'll take that as a compliment!
  22. I'm not wordy! I say exactly what I mean in exactly the number of words I intend to use! Maybe a few more than necessary. But hey, when the pen flows (or keyboard), what are you going to do? Shall I continue...? Nahhh!
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