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Posts posted by AlexD1990

  1. Sorry to inform you the vast majority of this sub hopes the beaches rain...
    If you're raining, I'm getting my normal pancakes with thundersleet and PSU is getting whiteout meatballs
    Was the rude comment really necessary? I'm as much a part of this subforum as you. I track and root for the same storms as you. This kind of attitude is what drives people away or into lurking.

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  2. Relax I’m giving him a hard time. But he would do better to know his climo. CAPE does!  He knows snow is an anomaly where he is and doesn’t act like he expects it.  I had to spend significant portions of some winters in Cape May many years ago and when I was there I didn’t even bother to track. It never once snowed over the probably ~100 days cumulative I spend there in peak winter but I wasn’t upset at all because I didn’t expect anything and hadn’t bothered wasting my time tracking on the rare chance it snowed.  Same when I was dating a girl in NC and spent significant time there or visiting my parents in winter when they were living down there.  
    If you live somewhere that averages like 10-15” of snow, and most of that comes because once every 10 years or so you get some crazy anomalous snowy year…getting frustrated when it doesn’t snow is just setting yourself up to hate life. 
    I get it,believe me. I live in Lewes (rehoboth) so if anyone understands that heartbreak it's me. Last good storm for us was January 2019, and much like the Boxing Day storm, I know both were statistical anomalies for our area. Doesn't mean I don't get frustrated when we miss out, though. Husband wants to move to Maine for snow lol, but I have roots here. Maybe a winter cabin one day

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