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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. What the heck happened lol? Went to bed and the snow must have stopped right after. Just measured 1.1” . Radar looks like crap for my area with nothing headed this way.
  2. Same here. About an inch down already and snowing nicely despite radar looking kind of blah. Keeps up like this all night and no doubt we’ll have 3-4” by morning.
  3. Snowing very nicely right now. Having no trouble what so ever covering the roads already. Sticking immediately with temps only making it to 34 today here and we’re back down to 30 as of now.
  4. Definitley the under lol. I’m actually just inside the 8-12 inch zone. Not happening lol. Give me half of that and I’d be thrilled 4-6” over the next couple days.
  5. Yes 06z RGEM has a really nice band setting up tomorrow evening over the metro. Check out this run at 10:1 and the band is cranking over metro BUF and sinking south during hr 84 so more to come on top of these numbers. This is all verbatim of course which the RGEM is known for overdoing lake effect but still interesting to see.
  6. Right on the 3-4 and 4-6” line. Would sign up for that in a heartbeat.
  7. They don’t have one out yet lol. That’s from Monday and yesterday.
  8. Panic. This team stinks. They can beat the bottom feeders. Can’t beat anyone that’s even decent. Today was an embarrassment. If I was at the game sitting in 38 degree rain and 30mph winds to watch that I would have been so pissed. This team has a lot of work to do. Putrid offensive line. Below average running backs. Defensive line still can’t get pressure on opposing QBs . Our team just loses in the trenches, makes stupid penalties in critical times, and time management is a joke.
  9. 63 here. Feels great. If it’s not gonna snow let’s sizzle.
  10. 1 inch overnight here as well. 2.6” over the weekend. I’ll take it.
  11. Dude insane not even a SWS or anything as it’s snowing 1-2” hr with completely snow covered roads. What an abysmal start to the season for BUF and I usually try to have their back.
  12. Nope just webcamming it. I’m currently sick with the stomach bug. Worst thing ever.
  13. Pounding snow on the 290. Completely snow covered and dumping snow.
  14. Way for the boys to get back on track today. Really presently surprised by today’s snowfall. Figured I’d be too low elevation/too close to the lakeshore. As sun is setting temp is now down to 32 degrees and the snow is starting to stick to the roads as well. Heavy coating on the grass and if it keeps up like this for a few more hours the grass will be completely covered in no time.
  15. Looks like that here too already. Snow is coming down moderate and steady but accumulating very nicely on anything non pavement for now. Temp has plummeted to 33 degrees down from 38 just an hour or so ago.
  16. I just drove home from running around this morning. From Walmart on Southwestern all the way to my house it was snowing 1”hr easily with snow full on covering the road, close to 2” on the main roads. Not one plow or salt truck as all and roads were absolutely horrendous. At times it was snowing so hard there were multiple people driving 15-20 mph on Southwestern with their hazard lights on. Multiple spin outs and accidents along my route home. Close to 2” here as well as can barely see the grass.
  17. Lol haha thats the game I really said Josh Allen is the guy haha. As for my house only 0.2” of snow in Derby but it is beginning to pick back up. Was more of a rain/really wet snow mix this morning while areas to the north were snow. Even going to Walmart in Hamburg there is noticeably more snow than at my house.
  18. Had some more moderate rain mixed with graupel. Had some thunder and lightning around 11 as well.
  19. I just had the same here. Seemed more like hail to me the way it was bouncing off the cars, graupel is usually soft and doesn’t make as much noise. However VIL data on the radar doesn’t show anything so not sure about hail.
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