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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. Yes it is a virus. Mostly affects kids but adults can get it but usually much more mild like a common “cold” https://www.cdc.gov/rsv/about/symptoms.html
  2. 125% - 149% of average would yield 150”-180” here and would be absolutely epic. Sign me up haha.
  3. RSV is going around bad. My entire family got it. My wife was basically asymptomatic I was only slightly sick, my son (2) and daughter (1) had a fairly bad “cold” but my 2 month old was hospitalized in the ICU for 10 days. While in the hospital with him we were talking to the nurses who said more than half the floor at the time we were there was full of RSV patients and it’s hitting kids of all ages WAY harder then Covid. Was very scary for him and glad that he pulled through but was a rough go for a while as he was on the highest amount of High Flow oxygen for 3 days and was nearly intubated.
  4. Same exact thing now. 454 KBUF reporting 47 and every single PWS within 5 miles of the airport is between 42-44 for the exact same time.
  5. You should move back to Tennessee so we can have our real winters back haha. Jk…. kind of. Lol
  6. Up to1.27” here. Looking more showery on radar here now. Maybe finish around 1.5” here? Right in line with the forecast of 1-2” here.
  7. Exact same thing with my yard in Evans. Have lots of maples on my property and they’re all brown and shriveled and falling into the pool. It’s a nightmare trying to keep up with them in the pool. Going to be closing the pool in the next few days because of this. BuffaloWeather I have no idea how your pools so warm lol! Mine is 65 degrees but does get quite a bit of shade during the day from the trees.
  8. Got it makes sense. I apologize. With that being the case that definitely seems suspect then.
  9. As has been stated by others the PWS update by the minute where as KBUF only updates once an hour so perhaps that reading was from almost an hour before the PWS readings your seeing?
  10. So basically it’s only feet from the runway where several large commercial airline jets take off every hour? Lol
  11. Quite the cool down coming by late next week. Go from 80s this week and early next week to struggling to get out of the 50s by the end of next week. Will definitely feel much like fall.
  12. Turned more into a city and immediate southern burbs event. Constant thunder and lightning here in Derby. More than last night. Still no rain, it’s all 5-10 miles to my north. I’d imagine your getting fringed with the storms right now BuffaloWeather.
  13. Tons of thunder and lightning but winds were total weak sauce. Maybe 40-50mph gust max.
  14. Low, somewhere between Silver Creek and Dunkirk is gonna see 80-90mph ++. Expecting the worst of the winds to be off to my south but just barely, maybe 5-10 miles.
  15. Tasiilaq Heliport https://goo.gl/maps/EV2pYGf9sNVnpmuC7 Most populated town on the east coast of Greenland. A bustling town of 1985 people lmao.
  16. Yes you are right on that one but that was in the mountains of WV the last week in October. This is the second week in September right at sea level.
  17. Lake effect really is the most fascinating type of weather IMO. It’s so mesoscale and so localized it’s so cool to see how conditions can vary so much over such a short distance. Where else in the country could you have 7 feet of snow and 10 miles away green grass literally. Just so cool and definitely getting pumped that we’re moving towards that season.
  18. Fascinating. How common is it to have tropical remnants cause a massive snowstorm? Even if it’s that far north.
  19. Yes give me 1 good early season event in Nov/early Dec then let it warm up for a month or so mid Dec to mid Jan then let winter set in for real mid Jan to end of March and then it can warm up. Nothing better then the winters where it just seems like we can’t even make it above freezing for 2-3 months with frequent clippers dropping a few inches of snow at a time building the base up nice and thick with no thaws at all. It seems those are becoming far less common these days than even 10-15 years ago. It could be selective memory but I feel like when I was growing up in the 2000s we had frequent long periods of pretty sustained cold and snow which just hasn’t seemed to appear since 13-14 winter. Would love a good old fashioned winter this year of temps 2 degrees below average and snowfall at like 125-150% of normal with minimum thaws. Would really be awesome to have after the last several years, though last winter wasn’t horrible as it had numerous good lake effect events but lacked sustained cold and had frequent pack destroying thaws between events.
  20. Bring me a winter full of clippers with frequent 3-6” snows and plenty of lake effect snow that oscillates with each passing shortwave that moves through. Absolute best pattern there is.
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