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Everything posted by WestMichigan

  1. Death rate is a lagging indicator. It will go down soon since there are clearly fewer people getting sick.
  2. What makes a government clerk any more important than a construction worker. Without either our society wouldn’t function like it does. The problem with unemployment is it doesn’t pay the bills. And where are they getting the money? People aren’t working so it isn’t income taxes. We are just mortgaging our future. I know you want to get in a fight with me but all I want is common sense restrictions that are equally applied. This isn’t a disease to ignore. I am not saying that. Lots of people have it and many have died. I am not disputing that but how does a single self employed construction worker have to quit working when he is working by himself in an unoccupied home? Like I said apply common sense and people will be less irritated.
  3. Or better yet don’t get it cut like the rest of us.
  4. I am not expecting perfection, just common sense. If the government can keep working then why can't everyone else? Oh wait, they aren't essential, but when my neighbor loses his job and can't feed his family tell me that isn't essential to him. Who gets to decide? Oh wait, it is those in power and they generally hurt others long before they feel any pain themselves. When is the governor going to say I will take a pay cut or no salary? When are the Lt. Governor or state representatives and senators or a myriad of other people in higher places going to stand with the common folk and live by the same rules and restrictions. How many press conferences do you see people standing closer than 6 feet? Or the mayor of Chicago getting a hair cut while everyone else can't, or ... the list could go on. Be reasonable, have equal rules for all and apply some common sense and I think there would be a lot less complaining among the citizens.
  5. But it is ok for someone from out of state to go to a cabin/cottage they own in Michigan? Or it is OK for 6 road workers to be standing in a circle shoulder to shoulder talking about something while working to repair the roads? The rules only apply to those the governor wants them to and there are clearly some who do not fall under the rules like the rest of us.
  6. Me too. Had a short period of pea size but it didn't last long. Lake Michigan for the win last night!
  7. Just hit 70 here. Lake shadow will probably limit things here, but no guarantee.
  8. If you look worldwide at the number of those who are now clear after having had the virus or died the death rate is 20%. Not sure how reliable that is but that is a very high number.
  9. Michigan with a crazy high 1953 new cases and 62 deaths in the last 24 hours.
  10. 10791 cases and 417 deaths in MI today. Up 1457 and 80 respectively. Not really slowing down any here. Although it is slightly less than yesterday in terms of new cases.
  11. 1719 new cases in Michigan today. Definitely not hitting our peak yet.
  12. Italy seems to have peaked. Not going down fast, but the top seems to be in.
  13. Not a great setup around here (maybe an inch total of LES), but I do believe this is the first time all year that the lake effect window lasted more than 6-8 hours. Nothing heavy around here like your region is getting, but nice to see the radar lighting up with LES for once.
  14. I'd settle for 2-4" right now. Haven't even had any decent LES over this way either.
  15. Just wait tomorrow morning Buckeye will be in the bulls-eye at this rate.
  16. SREF totals cut in half at GRR in the last 6 hours. This thing better hurry up and get here or the models might start showing 0" for here.
  17. GRR just jumped in on the advisory parade with 4"-7". They are including the central part of the state south. Maybe they see something I don't.
  18. 6z GFS isn't looking awful. Marginal temps at the beginning but a nice looking storm is brewing (if you believe it).
  19. Quite the bust here. Snowed hard for 45 minutes. Then stopped for about 3 hours. Watch the radar. That donut hole over Ottawa County was my back yard. Then heavy snow for another 30 minutes or so then much lighter snow. Definitely didn’t hit the low end 2” of the advisory GRR issued.
  20. Managed almost 3" out of last night's snow on the west side of Michigan. Not bad considering GRR said less than 1".
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