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Everything posted by NeonPeon

  1. Anyone can have my hurricane.
  2. Gravity waves are fun, but the center still isn't the center, or close to it, thankfully. All that stuff is southeast.
  3. They'll likely patrol a couple spots, all of salve's campus ones, for sure. Seaview ave access is a pretty sure bet though if the others are closed off.
  4. That road is often closed in bad weather, as is the road at first beach, both flood quite easily. I'd look elsewhere, perhaps somewhere a little less fashionable along the cliffwalk? They'll close ocean drive to local traffic only as well.
  5. Drink, debauchery, and morally suspect bedfellows?
  6. I'm hoping to avoid a tree falling on my house. Hoping the winds are unremarkable at the surface and it peters. With current thinking on track, it seems Newport would be spared the worst of the rain but so much more watching before we have a great sense of where this is going. The trees here are pretty well conditioned for wind, but it could easily be an odd wind direction for here.
  7. Lots of 40 to 50 mph gusts here, but that's barely remarkable. Decent sustained wind at times though.
  8. My sister lives in the yorkshire dales. I should clarify, in an event. I think she got 7 or so.
  9. D for me. 4 inches of absolute fluff illusion was my best event. I watched an entire day of white rain, and there weren't really any really remarkable storms, just moisture. Three pretty crap winters on the trot, even for here, which is close to the worst place in new England for snow. The only thing not making it an f, like last winter, is the fact that the 3 inches of slush followed by colder temps gave us a surprisingly resilient pack that I was able to ski on locally, and my kid was able to sled on a bunch. A week of real winter in an entire season. Oh, and my sister got more snow than me this year. She lives in england for gods sake.
  10. You're still doing better than newport. You aren't in a bad spot, as far as Rhode island goes, but you're going to have to come to terms with that caveat, just as I have come to terms with celebrating any snow and not worrying too much about what other people get, as the climo speaks for itself. I can travel in any direction by car after virtually any snowfall, and see a steady increase in snow. Frequently I'll drive 10 minutes north of here to daycare and there is twice as much snow. This was comfortably the best event of the season, but I think I appreciated the last one more, as the 3 inches of white rain hardened into something I skied on for a week, and having any sort of variety in this God forsaken monotony is huge. This fluff will be gone in a blink. It's gorgeous out though, and I snuck in a ski today.
  11. 4inches and very light snow now. If we had got one little nudge northward this would have been a huge overperformer but I'm pleasantly surprised. It's probably 1/8th the moisture content of the last storm.
  12. Tried to cross country ski on 3 inches of fluff and my skis found grass as the mere wafting of air pushed aside the soap shavings.
  13. 2.75 inches of fluff. The first proper snow of the season, this. Loving this.
  14. My final guess for mby is 2 inches. Better banding north, better banding south, intensification east of here and a lot of poor growth. If i can do a little x country today or tomorrow I'll consider it a big victory.
  15. Outside is the way to go. But if in nerd mode, multimonitor setup for the win.
  16. There isn't a model that agrees with your forecast.
  17. I'm not sure how it would snow 6" in 24 hours down here though, it just doesn't happen with temps just above freezing. I don't mind some of these depictions with the best stuff just off shore though, at all. All the overperformers (and by that I mean like two systems in the eight years I've been here) here are like that.
  18. I'm on the south coast, and I wish I was confident I was getting what the south coast is.
  19. Definitely not for the extreme se.
  20. Jaded. It's been a rough few winters, and this one is no different thus far.
  21. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I can't wait to watch it snow but not accumulate again! Then, rain! It's another boreaster.
  22. Bring it on, all I have to look forward to is an inch or two of snow before another bout of rain. If it can't snow, it may as well clear out the remaining sludge so I can cycle away the tears.
  23. I'd expect snow removal to be bad there. Snow removal is bad in places that don't get snow regularly, as it represents an expensive investment for municipalities, for what is ultimately only an occasional problem. Compound that by the fact that it's largely deserted in the winter, and it's a recipe for that occasional big storm to overwhelm limited resources. It's the same reason why a place like Nashville can't handle three inches. Well, that and the drivers.
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