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Everything posted by qg_omega

  1. A lot of shear but little instability
  2. Schools aren't closed in White Plains have just under 2 inches. Think schools were closed only one day this year.
  3. That's locked as a rain storm, best chance is tomorrow night
  4. Best shot of snow is Friday night into Saturday morning for the coast. Monday is a rain storm. Basically I like the exact opposite of what you posted in terms of snow
  5. Pattern remains the same as it has since December, one of the most persistent unfavorable patterns in many years. It was well forecasted by some in December after the November snow and the SSW which sent the cold to the other side of the globe and helped reinforce the unfavorable MJO / strong pac jet couplet
  6. It is I'm literally standing on the corner of 46th and 6th and it's all sleet. Do you know the difference between sleet and snow?
  7. I am walking in midtown and it's pure sleet
  8. They predicted 4 inches for the park, last I saw it was 1.1 at the park and the snow is done. That's not close, its been non accumulating sneet for hours. We lost snow growth after the first hour.
  9. yes big differences, inch already at JFK with a coating at the park and LGA. This is the storm.
  10. Central park is not at an inch and yes, this is peak snow growth. We loose the forcing and transition to sneet/sleet in the next hour.
  11. That's an insane forecast for NYC, its like they have absolutely no memory and completely forgot their massive busts on every storm this winter. This is the same pattern and another cutter. NYC is NOT getting 4 inches of snow. The PATTERN does not support this! Maybe 1 inch of snow to rain and I'm worried that is high. Very easily could be a few flakes going quickly to sleet than rain. Last storm I went with zero snow while they had inches. The soundings are horrid and snow growth very poor. You have a dying band of snow/sneet which will be outrunning it's own dynamics, there is nothing good about the setup.
  12. It's rain NYC and Long Island it's not "odd" the boundary layer warms right up with East winds.
  13. Disagree, very straight forward brief snow to rain for NYC. Inch of snow with a bit of rain at the end is an easy call.
  14. NYC will be mostly rain, snows will be well north.
  15. There was no real negative nao this winter despite those higher hights over Greenland
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