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Everything posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. I think I'm too personally tied to what I've seen at my employers under both democratic and republican presidents to change my views at this time. That article does have some good data but I have a hard time taking all the data at face value when data is twisted. For example the article stated that 50% of startups worth over $1B were started by immigrants. When I fact checked the source the actual quote was "Furthermore, a 2016 study found that more than half of U.S. startups valued at $1 billion or more that have yet to go public — the so-called unicorns with potential for high growth and job creation — have at least one immigrant co-founder. (MGI, 2016)."
  2. Was working better than anything else in the last 70 years up until Corona. And had the economy not been at the strongest its been we would be in a much darker place. @champy why dont you respond to the people calling you a complete jackass for calling anyone who supports Trump a racist baby raping nazi? And thanks for posting a tax policy change we discussed here two days ago.Welcome to the party.
  3. Knew this was coming. And they still probably under reported. https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-epicenter-wuhan-raises-number-of-virus-dead-by-1290
  4. Insane amounts when you count all the R&D. But you can buy one of their spot robots for I think $10k.
  5. Im more thinking this. Plus some of the new solid state battery tech will allow nearly instant recharging making humanoid robots like this more feasible.
  6. Robots...lots and lots of robots. And then skynet. Seriously though robots. Maybe this whole thing puts pressure on that, if we fall into a deep depression there might be a push to make huge advancements on that front.
  7. Geese are assholes. One of my earliest memories from six flags darien lake was a goose stealing a sandwich right out of my sisters hand.
  8. The only way I think this makes sense is if there's a military move in the fold, like annexing Taiwan or the south east peninsula. Otherwise I think they just sent themselves into a death spiral along with the US. Tariffs or not we were still their biggest customer by far. Watch how far the anti made in chinese movement takes us...
  9. Ya I believe they're still lying. It doesn't just disappear.
  10. Nope. Right now the rate of spread doesn't seem to be slowing and that's with everyone locked down. At least the rate isn't increasing. What the hell did China do?
  11. Not good... https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/small-business-loan-program-runs-out-of-money-not-accepting-applications
  12. Mines been pretty comfortable so far. https://www.amazon.com/Knight-Batman-Movie-Character-Material/dp/B086R1FH4Y/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Bane+mask&qid=1587050347&sr=8-3
  13. When they invade Taiwan next month we’ll know for sure...
  14. The only other solution I’ve seen work is blood transfusions.
  15. I think the real reason is that they're realizing that were learning the ventilators do more damage than good. So announcing that he can send them elsewhere is just about looking like the good guy.
  16. https://www.businessinsider.com/musk-dimon-mcmahon-20-trump-advisors-reopen-us-economy-2020-4
  17. @BuffaloWeather and I have already volunteered for this. I think that's a smarter approach than shutting everything down. Rolling inoculations with quarantine.
  18. It could also go the other way, mutating to become more infectious or deadly. Flattening the curve could turn out to be a mistake should that happen.
  19. thanks yea just found it. Kind of boring watching without sound.
  20. So responsible compassionate side of me would want to donate my portion. The other 95% of me wants a Ducati monster. LOL
  21. https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/meat-industry-warns-shortages-plants-close-coronavirus If this becomes a trend across all food plants we could see quite the spike in food costs...
  22. Annnnd snowing. Grass covered here in west falls. Motorcycle is going to have to wait until May at this point
  23. Riiiiiiiiight. Its asshats like you making the absolutely most absurd comparisons that have united Trumps base and made sure hes a lock for the next four years. How in your right mind do you get off comparing what Trumps done to genocidal maniacs who murdered millions? And to say his supports are just as complicate as those in nazi Germany that stood by as Jews were dragged from their houses and raped? What the **** is wrong with you? Even if I saw your dubmass being dragged from your house because of being a snowflake I'd intervene.
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