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Everything posted by Buckeyes_Suck

  1. Literally lol'd, and then thought of I am legend and resident evil.
  2. I dont think we have the tech to completeley eradicate anything at this point. Only one disease is considered eradicated, smallpox. CDC says otherwise. I think what you said is what a lot of people think to comfort them about how inefective the standard flu vaccine is. (60% on a good year) https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/keyfacts.htm
  3. Yep, which is why waiting this out isn't the correct course of action. My wife has to get the flu vaccine every year for work. Nearly every year she still gets the flu...
  4. I think that this is entirely "new" covid virus. From the article you linked:
  5. I think it was because the 2009 H1N1 was simply a variant of the standard H1N1 which is your seasonal flu, so they had to simply make changes to the standard flu vaccine which they already do seasonally. Just my guess. The other thing to remember is that only a small percentage of the population get the flu vaccine, whereas the 12-18 month time frame is to allow for nearly everyone to get vaccinated for covid 19.
  6. Never said that everyone that isn't as successful as me is lazy. What I've said is that if you work your ass off the chances are likely that you will be successful and that in general people are lazy. Typically people are self unaware and chose to blame everyone else for their misfortunes rather than being honest with themselves. We're seeing tons of examples of that right now with people taking advantage of the extra $600 for unemployment. For your second point what I'm saying is that while america can stay shutdown and feed its people the vast majority of the world cannot. The US wait 12-18 months for a vaccine. (Albeit with debt that our great grandchildren will be paying). The world cant. For a simple example look at most Caribbean islands. They are typically far above the carrying capacity of their land mass and only sustainable through tourism. What happens to them in 12-18 months?
  7. No just the opposite....so the poorest of people dont die. Did you misread what I wrote? Millions if not billions around the world depend on the american economy.
  8. I searched pretty thoroughly. Plus that's the kind of headline CNN would have put front page if it were true. Every place I found that had that circled back to that satire site.
  9. From what I've read about 60% of the gen pop. It would be impossible for them all to be volunteers. Anyone deemed "high risk" would remain in isolation until that was achieved. The alternative is to await a vaccine, which is still 12-18 months out. You're talking about a global collapse of the economy in that period of time. Here in the states we'll probably be for the most part fine. But you're talking millions of deaths around the world due to starvation and war.
  10. The guy actually died but he didn't make that facebook post.
  11. Find one post where I've peddled one of trumps f**k ups as truth. You're delusional. As soon as someone even remotely leans right or isn't anti trump you lose your mind. Thats why Trump will win 2020, because of asshats like you who embolden his base. And my stance on this whole thing is herd immunity. I've (along with others here) are open to the idea of purposely inoculating young and healthy volunteers, of which I would be one. So I'll be at work making sure you can eat, and my wife at work making sure you have healthcare, not parading around downtown in my car protesting.
  12. Fake. Ripped from a satire site. https://www.facebook.com/Tyrannowhale/ Edited. shouldn't have called you a scumbag. Sorry.
  13. Yea good point. I think places like that will probably be fine going about their normal business until a vaccine is available though, especially with the heightened awareness resulting from all of this.
  14. Wonder how many strange look I’ll get walking around wegmans this week looking like the Stig.
  15. We need to start getting closer to herd immunity. Keeping things shut down won’t work while we wait for a vaccine. https://www.foxnews.com/media/david-katz-coronavirus-vaccine-herd-immunity
  16. That's really sad but still way more likely I ditch it riding my motorcycle. Especially since it wont stop snowing.
  17. Ya I just don't think you're ever going to fix that. Wasn't the tax rate like 95% on the ultra rich at one point to keep them from running away with wealth(and power)? Now I feel its like a necessary evil as you cant simply take all of that cash and put it back into the pool any easy way.
  18. No your article said "11% over inflation" so the wage is 11% higher today than what it would have been if only raised for inflation. Heres the full quote from this article you posted https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/. They make it sound like workers pay should have increased at a rate to match productivity when that increase in productivity is due to technology. ?From 1979 to 2018, net productivity rose 69.6 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated—increasing only 11.6 percent over 39 years (after adjusting for inflation). This means that although Americans are working more productively than ever, the fruits of their labors have primarily accrued to those at the top and to corporate profits, especially in recent years."
  19. It wouldn't be directly linear, because like your example of groceries you wouldn't necessarily buy more of something simply because you were able to. Its the same reason that all of the buying power that 1%ers have doesn't have that much of an effect on inflation. There not buying more of the same stuff than you and I are. I'm not following you on that other site on buying power. To me that just looks like a calculator to show what a $ was worth relatively in any given year since 1799. My argument was that if salaries have grown at a rate of 11% over inflation since 1980 as per your link then buying power has definitely increased, as salaries technically should only keep up with inflation to keep buying power even.
  20. First graph we talked about in your other article, salaries increased 11% over inflation. The second graph, here's the same data from EPI.
  21. False. Edit: If you cant see the tie wages has to supply and demand then there is no helping you, please keep me on ignore.
  22. Gas prices have fallen of the face of the earth because of reduced demand. Also right now would probably be a good time to buy a house or car as demand for those has also fallen flat. Day to day food and care commodities are still being bought at record pace due to panic so you cant use that pricing as an example. You're not the one who claimed that scarcity isn't real, were you?
  23. Thats crazy. Speaking of popping bubbles...anyone else think the student loan bubble pops in the next year?
  24. I always thought this started with Clinton... https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/hillary-and-bill-cause-of-housing-financial-crisis/
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