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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. I mean does this really look like 6+ for most of SNE? I’m not seeing that yet? But maybe that’s just me? I hope you’re right, but this is far from figured out at this point imo.
  2. This whole thing could just as easily fail for most of us, and then muck up the next potential. Ultimately screwing the pooch for anything much. I think we can see where that is a possibility. Hope it doesn’t play out Like that...but it could.
  3. Agreed. I’m liking that. They’ll be back in business if this holds.
  4. Hope your right. I’m not banking on a big hit, but I wouldn’t turn it down lol.
  5. Not too bad...hope it’s closer to the 4”. At least we cover the ground right.
  6. I guess 2 inches is better then nothing. I’ll take it. V16 is nicer though lol..10 is better than 2
  7. He doesn’t live on the coast lol...you’d think he did though lmao. He lives in Central inland CT...he’s obviously doing better than you are in the snow department. We don’t feel bad...
  8. And that’s the Marketing of it all....gotta sell it to the (Weenies) masses.
  9. And I wasn’t either, except I think we finish way better this year. But Maybe I’m completely wrong? And Maybe we both misunderstood each other? Sorry if it came across the wrong way. It’s all good. No worries :-). let’s hope we can get one of these to work out for most us over the next week or so.
  10. That’s encouraging. Sounds great..Let’s get it rolling soon.
  11. Whatever Ray. You took it totally the wrong way. I know you had more snow last year at this time, than you do this year. I was just pointing out it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. We all finished horribly last year. And that was my only point. So that’s why I asked you the question I did. I wasn’t trying to bust your chops, or as you put it “Infer” anything on to you. It doesn’t matter. It’s all good.
  12. I can understand that...I think we all can feel that way at times. But as we know, things can and do change very quick at times. And ground can be made up for, or lost very quickly. The only point Hoth and I were making, was we are actually doing fine so far...we aren’t behind at all. The Grinch is making it feel worse than it really is currently. But I get it, perception can be reality at times. If we can get things rolling over the next couple weeks, we’ll be doing real nice. Let’s see what happens before we get too crazy. At least that’s how I’m feeling currently. But if you’re fired up and think it sucks ...that’s fine too lol.
  13. Nothing triggered me at all. You were the one who was defensive, triggered and swore. All I said was where did it get you? I asked you a question. I guess that was being defensive? Whatever Ray.
  14. Dude, relax. I’m just asking...where did it get you? It was a ratter last year? Was it not?. Hoth was just saying we are off to a pretty decent start, and I have to agree. We all know you had a real biggie last early December, but then it shit the bed. That’s the point. I’m thinking you’re gonna do better this year...just a hunch. Or maybe it all goes to crap, and doesn’t snow again? Holy smokes...
  15. I guess losing the snow really bothers you. It bothers me for a bit, then I really don’t care after that. I’m excited for the potential that looks to be coming? Maybe it flops? Maybe it doesn’t? Let’s see what happens? Winter just started..long way to go.
  16. And where did that get you? I’d rather start out slower and have it kick in nicely, and then finish much better. But that’s just me.
  17. December 2010 it got obliterated fast too....I mean it happens quite a bit. Ya that was a bad grinch, but you gotta chill ice. It’s December 30th man. Re-f’n-lax lol.
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